Just as we dress differently for different occasions, we speak and write differently, too, depending on the formality of the situation.
What are the Differences Between Formal & Informal Language?
Informal language is the language of everyday speech and writing. It is the language used with friends and associates, in friendly letters, and in many newspaper and magazine articles.
Formal language, on the other hand, is the language used on more serious occasions. Formal language is found in carefully written reports and essays, in legal documents, and in speeches given on solemn occasions.

In reality, there are many different levels of formal and informal language, representing many different purposes and audiences. There are, however, certain characteristics that distinguish formal language from informal language. One major difference is in the use of slang words or phrases used in common speech but not accepted in more formal English.
Example of Formal & Informal Language
You might write to a friend “I had a blast in Washington,” but in a letter to a senator you might write “I really enjoyed myself in Washington.”
Another difference between formal and informal language is in the use of contractions and abbreviations. Contractions are rarely used in formal language, and only the most common abbreviations (such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr.) are used. In formal usage, instead of writing “She’s moving to Greene St.,” you would write “She is moving to Greene Street.”
A. Choose more formal words and phrases to express those underlined in the sentences below.
- The house looked kind of run-down. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The young boy blows his top at the drop of a hat. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The courtroom was a circus, and the judge was frazzled. _______________________________________________________________________________
- “If you ask me, that hot tip is all wet,” said the private eye. _______________________________________________________________________________
- We’re just waiting for you to give the go-ahead. _______________________________________________________________________________
B: Rewrite the following sentences, substituting more formal language for the underlined words and expressions.
- We thought the test was going to be a cinch. _______________________________________________________________________________
- That kid does nothing but gripe all day. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Rosa went home and conked out on the couch. _______________________________________________________________________________
- We earned a bundle mowing lawns during the summer. _______________________________________________________________________________
- David was quite burned up when he found out his brother had gotten gunk all over his bike. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The officer nabbed the thief red-handed. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Henry Ford and Thomas Edison hit it off from the beginning. _______________________________________________________________________________
- They became pals for life. _______________________________________________________________________________
- After three nights at the amusement park, we were dead broke. _______________________________________________________________________________
- I always get cold feet before I have to make a speech. _______________________________________________________________________________
C. Rewrite the following sentences, spelling out all contractions and abbreviations.
- They’ll be here in less than an hr. _______________________________________________________________________________
- He’ll graduate in Dec. of ‘92. _______________________________________________________________________________
- “What’ll we do if we don’t make it?” asked the mate. _______________________________________________________________________________
- “We’ll swim the fifteen mi. ashore!” replied his cmdr. _______________________________________________________________________________
- They’re over an hr. late for the class picnic, and it’s getting dark already. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The capt. said that we’ll probably not have time to finish playing the games they’ve planned. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Who’d have thought that it would take them so long to walk the two-mi. trail? _______________________________________________________________________________
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