The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Albert Einstein

Boost your skills with confidence


We are offering you creative writing stuff such as essays, comprehensions and topics for writing letters.

creative writing-Letter writing
Letter Writing


We have provided several extracts of stories through comprehension so that students take more interest and don’t feel bored while attempting the practice sessions.

boy image -Creative Writing
Short Novel


We are serving essays to read. Furthermore, helping questions are supplied so you can write your essays without any support.

money in a bottle- Creative Writing
Essay Writing

Language Proficiency Analysis

To improve your reading and writing abilities, study comprehension carefully and attempt all the exercises. Check your ability to connect different ideas in the overall composition of writing by solving the given questions. Make sure whether you are correct or not by asking an adult or someone who is professional in the language to examine your work.

Islamic Studies Topics

Islamic Stories

Islamic stories provide valuable insights into the history of prophets for the younger generation and the general public. They also serve as an excellent source of knowledge for those who are not familiar with Islamic history.

IGCSE Islamiat – 0493

A special category has been added to facilitate IGCSE students who are taking Islamiat. These notes are as per the requirements of the IGCSE marking scheme and are helpful for students to prepare for exams. To get IGCSE past papers, you can click here.

lady with laptop - Creative Writing - home

Battle of Mutah

The Battle of Mu’tah ended without a result yet it had great impacts. Muslims fought…

ICNA Convention

ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) is an annual gathering held in Baltimore, Maryland. Every…

Further Information


For further enquiries or suggestions, feel free to drop your feedback at the following address –
[email protected]

Guest Writing

Great opportunity for the newbie. Join us as a guest writer and introduce your skills to the digital world.


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