Greetings vary widely worldwide, ranging from respectful handshakes to warm embraces. It is essential to recognize the various forms of welcome differentiating from each country down to each person. In the United States, a handshake is a familiar layout of acknowledgement, whereas in Japan, bowing is a traditional greeting. In Western cultures, a handshake is often perceived as trustworthy and assertiveness.

When travelling across the globe to the eastern hemisphere, phrases such as “Namaste” or “As-salaam alaykum” are frequently utilized to greet one another. “Namaste” is the traditional way to greet someone in India and is often portrayed as respectful. “As-salaam alaykum“, which translates to “peace be upon you” is typically a way to address someone in the Middle East or the Greater Islamic world. Similarly, the most common way to greet someone in China is by saying “Nihǎo”.
Culture is one of the many aspects that determine each welcome style. In some cultures, it is considered impolite to refrain from making eye contact while engaging in conversation because they feel you are not paying attention to them. They believe maintaining eye contact during a conversation indicates that you are listening, sympathetic, and willing to comprehend the other person’s point of view.
Verbal dialogue might occasionally fade your sensations. Hence, in different cultures, physical touch is a familiar way of meeting that brings people closer together. Whether you are holding hands, kissing on cheeks or hugging, it helps people express warmth and connection. Even without a hug, using our arms to demonstrate warmth can leave a positive impression. Regardless, there is rigid avoidance of physical contact with others in other cultures. Its causes could be cultural, religious, societal, or historical.
Greeting gestures and dialogues are meaningful in designing any relationship. It aids in making your bonding stronger. Therefore, with various styles of acceptability, it is essential to consider and respect one’s personal space, use appropriate titles, and adhere to cultural standards while greeting and meeting. To prevent offending someone when interacting, be always open to respecting personal boundaries and educating oneself regarding other customs. It is valuable to be adaptable and polite. If you meet people from various cultures or don’t know them, try not to make assumptions based on personal preferences and be willing to research or seek assistance from others if you are confused about what is proper and acceptable for them.
Here Are Ten Other Ways To Say “Hello”
Learn these words to enrich communication and foster meaningful connections across various social and cultural contexts.
Meeting and greeting behaviour is a robust component to focus on as it helps create one’s first impression of you. A respectable greeting can set a pleasant tone for the entire meeting and can significantly assist in conveying your objective. With friendly greetings, you can build trust and kindly portray yourself. This fosters a sense of openness and approachability, which is essential to start any good relationship. Similarly, in the work environment, an effective greeting can show professionalism. For example, in customer service, the way you welcome the buyer can influence the entire experience. A warm welcome allows customers to feel appreciated and promotes a good experience.
The chosen greeting can play a vast role in each situation, and it is critical to recognize acceptable greetings depend on personal preferences, cultural background, upbringing, social setting, and so on. Each aspect plays a significant role, and you may create some problems if you are unaware.
In a nutshell, the greeting manner has an influential mark on any interaction. It is essential to understand how to properly welcome one another as it is something that we do every single day.
Written by Amna Rauf
Meeting and Greeting

In different parts of the world, we can witness different cultures meeting and greeting, such as nodding our heads with respect, shaking hands with a smile, putting hands or heads together etc. On the contrary, younger people enthusiastically wave their hands and sometimes embrace each other. Talking of West Asians, some neither nod their heads nor greet anyone with a specific gesture. They have a different culture than others. They only shake hands and hug when they meet their close friends and family members.
Usually, along with physical actions, people ask various questions like “how are you?” or “how are things going?” and so on. And the other person expresses their pleasure by answering with words like “I am fine” or “I am well.” In other words, people always pretend to be OK even if they are not. This rule only breaks when they are with an honest friend or close relatives whom they trust to share their feelings and problems. In a formal situation, when they come across an adult person, they only shake hands with respect, whereas meeting with friends is quite frank.
Similarly, the host gives a warm welcome to their guests. In return, sometimes the guest offers gifts per the occasion to the host, expressing their love and sentiments. The host provides food or refreshments during their confluence. At last, the guest leaves after shaking hands and hugs to express their pleasure, and promises are made to meet again.