Prophet S.A.W’s Life in Madina
In Makkah, for three years, Prophet S.A.W. preached Islam secretly. Islam was being spread gradually. Then, He S.A.W. preached it openly to his relatives and others. Quraish didn’t accept Muhammad S.A.W. as a Prophet. They offered materialistic choices to Prophet S.A.W. and pushed Him to withdraw from Islam, but still, they failed. On the other hand, Quraish was severely tormenting the early converters of Islam. When the hostilities of Quraish intensified, the Prophet S.A.W. advised his followers to migrate.
Later, in 622 A.D., Prophet S.A.W. migrated to Madina at the invitation of Yathribites. The reason for this migration was to escape from the persecution of the Makkans and spread the truth of Islam in other states outside of Makkah, which could not be accomplished while staying in Makkah.
The residents of the Madina have eagerly waited for Prophet S.A.W. They welcomed Prophet S.A.W. with open hearts. Upon his arrival in Madinah, Prophet S.A.W. resolved the dispute between the Aus and Khazraj tribes. Earlier, these tribes fought continuously, causing bloodshed and murder. Due to this, their lives and property were insecure and they had unsettled economic conditions. On becoming the leader of Madina, Prophet S.A.W. ended their hostility.

He S.A.W. took immediate steps to make Madina a peaceful and economically stable city. Prophet S.A.W. engaged with Jews and other tribes of Madina and undertook an agreement called ‘The Charter of Madina’. According to the treaty, responsibilities and rights were assigned to everyone, and they were made loyal to the state. Next, He S.A.W. created a brotherhood between Ansar (the Muslims of Madina) and Muhajreen (migrated Muslims from Makkah). With the aid of all the above reforms, Prophet S.A.W. established the Islamic State of Madina. Prophet S.A.W. spent the rest of his life in Madina till his demise and was buried there.
Prophet S.A.W’s life in Madina marks a turning point in Islamic history. Islam flourished globally from Madina. Prophet S.A.W. spent ten years after the migration in Madina. He S.A.W. fought battles against enemies of Islam and signed treaties whenever needed. (More on the causes/outcomes of the treaties/battles can be accessed through the Table of Contents below) Through the battles and diplomacy, the Muslims strengthened and after a struggle of ten years, Prophet S.A.W. finally conquered Makkah. This not only meant conquering the city but also the hearts of the inhabitants who once rejected Prophet S.A.W’s message.
The following table of contents covers a part of the IGCSE Islamiate 0493. You can jump right to the questions section below by clicking on the subject you want to learn more about. These questions concern a number of significant events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in Madina and its relevance to Muslims today. Now, you can access the desired page for notes by clicking on the topic of interest.
Each Hijra’s notes on the Prophet’s life in Madina
First Year of Hijra
- Outline the events in Madinah that immediately followed the Hijra, mentioning especially the Emigrants (Muhajirin) and helpers (The Ansars).
- Explain the significance of these events as an example for Muslims today.
Second Year of Hijra
- Explain the significance of the Battle of Badr.
- Describe the Prophet (S.A.W)’s conduct as a leader in two of the battles he fought in.
- Describe the events immediately leading up to the Battle of Badr and also discuss the main events of the battle. / Write an account of the battle of Badr.
Third Year of Hijra
- Explain the effects/importance of the Battle of Uhad.
- Describe the events immediately leading up to the Battle of Uhad and also discuss the main events of the battle. / Describe the events of the battle of Uhad.
- ‘Success for Muslims depends on their obedience to the Prophet.’ Discuss this statement in relation to Muslims today.
What was the old name of Madina?
Madina was formerly known as Yathrib, but after the migration of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, it was renamed to “Madina-tun-Nabi” which means “city of the Prophet SAW”.
Fifth Year of Hijra
- Explain the effects/importance of the Battle of the Trench.
- Suggest reasons for the Quraishite defeat in this battle.
- Describe the events immediately leading up to the Battle of Trench. Also, discuss the main events of the battle. / Write about the Battle of Trench (Khandaq) fought in 627.
- Write advantages/reasons for the victory of Muslims in the Battle of Trench.
- What can Muslims learn from the prophet’s involvement in the digging of the trench?
Sixth Year of Hijra
- What lessons Muslims today can learn from the Truce of Hudaibya?
- Write effects/importance of Truce of Hudaibya.
- Suggest reasons for the disappointment of Muslims regarding this pact.
- Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of Hudaibya and the main terms in it.
- From this event, what can Muslims learn about the importance of keeping their word?
Seventh Year of Hijra
- Explain the importance of the Khyber Expedition.
- Describe the main events of the Conquest of Khyber.
Eighth Year of Hijra
- Explain the importance of the Battle of Hunain.
- Write about the main events of the Battle of Hunain.
- Write about the main events of the Battle of Mutah.
- Explain the importance of the Battle of Mutah.
- Choose one of these battles and explain why it was important for the Muslims of Madinah in it.
Life in Madina
An international Islamic university, leading in knowledge, serving societies, excellence and inclusiveness.
Muslims Triumphant Entry into Makkah
- Write an account of Muslim’s triumphant entry in Makkah in 8 A.H. / Write an account of the main events of the conquest of Makkah.
- What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophet (S.A.W)’s conduct in it?
- Can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s treatment of his former enemies? Give reasons for your answer.
- Write the importance of the conquest of Makkah.
- Why are the actions of the Prophet after the conquest important for Muslims to learn from?
Ninth Year of Hijra
- Give a brief description of the main events of the Tabuk Expedition.
- Explain the significance/effects of the Tabuk Expedition. / Explain the importance of the Tabuk Expedition.
Tenth Year of Hijra
- Write a detailed account of the farewell pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
- Explain how any two teachings given in the Prophet’s Farewell Sermon can help Muslim communities today.
- How significant was the farewell address he gave during his pilgrimage?
Eleventh Year of Hijra
- Describe the events of the final year of the Prophet (S.A.W)’s life. / The Prophet died in 632. Write about the events of the final year of his life.