Hudayfah’s father, al-Yaman was a Makkan from the tribe of Abs. He had killed someone and had been forced to leave Makkah. He had settled down in Yathrib, becoming an ally of the Banu-al-Ash-Hal and marrying into the tribe. A son named Hudhayfah was born to him. The restrictions on his returning to Makkah were eventually lifted and he divided his time between Makkah and Yathrib but stayed more in Yathrib and was more attached to it.

This was how Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman had a Makkan origin, but a Yathribite upbringing. When the rays of Islam began to radiate over the Arabian Peninsula, a delegation from the Abs tribe, which included al-Yaman, went to the Prophet (SAW)and announced their acceptance of Islam. That was before the Prophet (SAW) migrated to Yathrib.
Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman grew up in a Muslim household and was taught by both his mother and father who were among the first persons from Yathrib to enter the religion of Islam. Hudhayfah longed to meet the Prophet (SAW). From an early age, he was keen on following whatever news there was about him. The more he heard, the more his affection for the Prophet (SAW) grew and the more he longed to meet him. He eventually journeyed to Makkah, met the Prophet (SAW) and put the question to him, “Am I a muhajir or an Ansari, O Rasulullah?”
“If you wish, you may consider yourself among the muhajir, or if you wish you may consider yourself one of the Ansar. Choose whichever is dearer to you,” replied the Prophet (SAW). “Well, I am an Ansari. O Rasulullah,” decided Hudhayfah.
Hudhayfah participated in the Battle of Uhud with his father. The pressure on Hudhayfah during the battle was great, but he fought well and emerged safe and sound. A rather different fate, however, awaited his father.
Before the battle, the Prophet (SAW), left al Yaman, Hudhayfah’s father and Thabit ibn Waqsh with the other non-combatants including women and children. This was because they were both quite old. As the fighting grew fiercer, al-Yaman said to his friend: “You have no father (meaning you have no cares). What are we waiting for? We both have only a short time to live. Why don’t we take our swords and join the Messenger of Allah (SAW)? Maybe, Allah will bless us with martyrdom beside His Prophet (SAW).”
They quickly prepared for battle and were soon in the thick of the fighting. Thabit ibn Waqsh was blessed with martyrdom at the hands of the mushrikin. The father of Hudhayfah, however, was set upon by some Muslims who did not recognize who he was. As they flayed him, Hudhayfah cried out: “My father! My father! It’s my father!”
No one heard him. The old man fell, killed in error by the swords of his brothers in faith. They were filled with pain and remorse. Grieved as he was, Hudhayfah said to them: “May Allah forgive you, for He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.”
The Prophet (SAW) wanted Diya (compensation) to be paid to Hudhayfah for the death of his father but Hudhayfah said: “He was simply seeking martyrdom and he attained it. O Allah, bear witness that I donate the compensation for him to the Muslims.” Because of this attitude, Hudhayfah ‘s stature grew in the eyes of the Prophet (SAW).
Hudhayfah had three qualities that particularly impressed the Prophet (SAW): his unique intelligence, which he employed in dealing with difficult situations; his quick wittiness and spontaneous response to the call of action, and his ability to keep a secret even under persistent questioning. A notable policy of the Prophet (SAW) was to bring out and use the special qualities and strengths of each companion of his. In deploying his companions, he was careful to choose the right man for the right task. This he did to excellent advantage in the case of Hudhayfah.
Because of Hudhayfah’s ability to keep a secret, the Prophet (SAW) confided in him the names of the munafiqin. It was a weighty secret, which the Prophet (SAW) did not disclose to any other of his companions. He gave Hudhayfah the task of watching the movements of the munafiqin, following their activities and shielding the Muslims from the sinister danger they represented. It was a tremendous responsibility. The munafiqin, because they acted in secrecy and because they knew all the developments and plans of the Muslims from within presented a greater threat to the community than the outright hostility of the kuffar.
From this time onwards, Hudhayfah was called “The Keeper of the Secret of the Messenger of Allah”. Throughout his life, he remained faithful to his pledge not to disclose the names of the hypocrites. After the death of the Prophet (SAW), the Khalifah often came to him to seek his advice concerning their movements and activities, but he remained tight-lipped and cautious.
Word | Meaning |
keen | eager |
flayed | whip or beat very harshly |
stature | importance |
munafiqin | hypocrites |
combatants | a group that is fighting a battle |
confided | tell someone a secret or private matter |
muhajirin | people migrating from Makkah to Madina |
remorse | feel sad for something wrong that you have done |
spontaneous | happening without apparent or external cause |
deploying | use a resource or quality effectively |
sinister | seemingly evil or dangerous |
Fill in the blanks.
- Hudhayfah had a Makkah origin but a __________ upbringing.
- Hudhayfah’s parents were among the first persons from Yathrib to enter the __________.
- Hudhayfah participated in the ___________ with his father.
- The Prophet (SAW) wanted ____________ to be paid to Hudhayfah for the death of his father.
Answer these questions.
Q1: Why did Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman journey to Makkah?
Q2: What did Hudhayfah decide to be?
Q3: Why was he called “The Keeper of the Secret of the Messenger of Allah”?
Q 4: What were the three qualities of Hudhayfah that impressed the Prophet (SAW)?