Last week an article was published in the newspaper regarding remote areas of Africa and Ethiopia where Ischemia disease is spreading rapidly. The doctor said it is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D. As a result, people are suffering, and their severe conditions are causing death.
In this situation, our school raised a charity fund for the people who were suffering from this disease. All members of the charity team were urged to participate in this cause and collect money as much as they could.

I was also a member of the charity team. I decided to participate in it by giving my savings. Besides, I motivated my friends to take a step towards spreading this cause further. I moved around to convey this message and convince people to donate money to the fund. All team members were divided into groups and set stalls in different malls to make this campaign effective. Further, we placed fund boxes in shops to collect money as well. People donated their money with open hearts when they were aware of the cause. Eventually, my efforts showed colour, and I gathered a handsome amount with the help of my team and friends for this noble cause.
Today, I felt delighted that my savings and efforts were on an honourable cause rather than wasted on worthless wishes and unnecessary stuff like shoes, bags and clothes. At that moment, I sensed true satisfaction that can not be expressed. More importantly, I learned that being kind to humans is the best way to connect with others.
Helping questions are given to write this essay “An Act of Kindness.” You may write with your ideas.
Q: What is a small act of kindness?
Q: How can you show kindness?
Q: Write any act of kindness that you have done in your life?/Have you ever done any act of kindness in your school?
Q: Have you encouraged anyone to join you in your act of kindness?
Q: What did you feel after performing such a kind act?
Q: What did you learn from it?