The story of Bilal ibn Rabah R.A is put down into two parts to make it easier for the reader to comprehend. There are keynotes provided side by side to comprehend the passage easily.
Comprehension Topics
Hazrat Bilal (R.A) – First Muazzain of Islam
Bilal ibn Rabah R.A, the first Muazzin of Islam, was one of the most trusted and loyal companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He was a true model for the morals and customs of Islam. Bilal R.A cherished unbounded love for the Holy Prophet (SAW) and was deeply devoted to Islam. He was a staunch foe of the infidels and idolaters but this involved no personal feelings.

He is, generally, known as “BILAL HABASHI”. His complexion was black but his hair was not curly, they were thick. His body was tall and slim and his chest prominent. Thus, as the historians opine, he was not a pure Abyssinian. His father was an Arab but his mother was an Abyssinian. His father’s name was Rabah and his mother was called Hamama. Hamama was likely a slave girl from Mecca or Sarat, Sarat is a town between Yemen and Abyssinia.
According to some historians, he was born about 43 years before Hijra. That said, Bilal (R.A) was brought up at Mecca, in a well-known Quraishi tribe called Abu Jamah. During the Days of Ignorance, the members of this tribe were thought of as experts in palmistry-reading the lines of hands. The other Muazzins of the Prophet (SAW) – Abu Mahzura and Amr bin Umm Kulsum – were also brought up in the tribe Abu Jamah. However, it is not known with authenticity as to who amongst the tribe of Banu Jamah was the master of Bilal and his father. Some have written that he was the slave of a noblewoman of that tribe.
Since the beginning, Bilal (R.A) had a natural hatred against the customs and practices prevailing in the Days of Ignorance, the people in those days were devoid of good morals, kindness and of other human values, deceit had become their second nature.
Significantly, Allah had endowed Bilal with righteous nature and he remained true to it throughout his whole life. It is, therefore, held that he readily responded to the call of Allah’s Messenger (SAW). In other words, Bilal (R.A) had not embraced Islam with any worldly motive or securing relief from the torments of slave life. On the whole, he had only one purpose in view and that was to win the favour of Allah. Indeed, Allah had illuminated his heart with the light of faith. Hence, he endured all kinds of atrocities with remarkable patience and fortitude. His heart was as clean as Mirror, it was filled with the sentiments of affection, sincerity, obedience and devotion.
Abu Bakr Siddiq saw the heart-touching plight of Bilal (R.A.) and he came to his rescue. “How long will you oppress this poor fellow?” said Abu Bakr to Bilal’s master and bought him paying nine Uqias (about 23 grams of Gold) to his master. Siddiq then declared Bilal (R.A) a free man. Some historians state that when the price for Bilal was being paid, Bilal’s master increased the price from 7 Uqias to 9 Uqias and Abu Bakr said to him, “Even if you raise the price to 1000 Uqias, I will buy him.”
It is stated that Siddiq bought Bilal at the advice of Allah’s Messenger (SAW) and the Prophet (SAW) also offered him half of the price in order to mitigate the burden on Siddiq. But Siddiq begged pardon from the Prophet (SAW) for not accepting this offer and he himself emancipated Bilal. He then appointed Bilal (R.A.A.) as his own storekeeper. Later on, Bilal was made to serve the Messenger of Allah (SAW). As in Mecca, so in Medina, he always accompanied the Holy Prophet (SAW) in all the Holy wars that took place during the Holy Prophet’s lifetime. He also remained with the Prophet (SAW) in the course of all journeys he undertook.
Those who accepted Islam, in the beginning, were except few, generally weak and helpless. So the infidels inflicted endless inhuman tortures on them. For instance, tying ropes to the legs of the Muslims and drying them on the stony ground of the desert. Moreover, they stripped the poor Muslims and threw them on the burning sand and often on red embers, placing heavy stones on their bodies. They forced them to stand in the blazing sun. Bilal too was tortured like that. But he displayed unflinching self-control, patience and perseverance. They tried all sorts of cruelties to divert Bilal from the True Faith but could not succeed. According to historical records, Bilal’s master often tied him and threw him down and flung a stone and cowhide over him.
Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning |
staunch | devoted | infidels | disbelievers |
endowed | bestowed | illuminated | clarify |
endured | suffering patiently | mitigate | reduce |
emancipated | free from slavery | inflicted | impose |
perseverance | stamina | unflinching | not showing fear in the face of danger or difficulty |
atrocities | an extremely wicked or cruel act | cowhide | a whip made from cowhide |
Fill in the blanks
- Bilal (RA) was a true model of ________ and ________ of Islam.
- He was a staunch foe of the _________ and _________ but this involved no personal feelings.
- Bilal (RA) is generally known as _________ because of his complexion.
- He had only one purpose in view and that was to win the __________.
- Bilal’s (RA) master increased his price from seven Uqias to __________ Uqias.
- After emancipating Bilal (RA), Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) then appointed him as own __________.
Answer the following.
Q1: Who was Bilal (RA)? Who were his parents?
Q2: Describe the general appearance of Bilal (RA). What is the opinion of the historians about his race?
Q3: Describe the various atrocities that were done by the infidels on the Muslims?
Q4: How did Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) emancipate Bilal (RA)?
Bilal ibn Rabah (RA) – After the Demise of Prophet SAW
Bilal (R.A) continued to the post of Muazzin of the Prophets Masjid till the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) left this world for his heavenly abode. He was preferred over all the Muazzins during the Prophet’s lifetime, the cause of this preference being his precedence in embracing Islam, his rich and melodious voice and his excellent utterance.

Traditions relate that Bilal’s marriage had been arranged by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Also, Some scholars believe that the present rhythmical form of the recital of the Azan in the Muslim world is the same as was originated by Bilal.
Obviously, Bilal expressed deep devotion to his master and leader; He could not bear even the slightest discomfort of the Prophet (S.A.W) and was alive ready to respond to his master’s call. Besides, throughout the battles he kept running between the Prophet (S.A.W)’s camp and the battlefield, bearing communications, orders and instructions from the Prophet (S.A.W) to the troops.
Eventually, He recited the Azan for a few days only after the demise of the Prophet (S.A.W). It is stated that when in the absence of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), he pronounced the name of the Prophet while calling the Azan, he could not bear the absence of his master and burst into uncontrollable tears. His audience too, stricken with grief, broke down. He felt oppressed in Madinah without the Prophet, so in spite of being sixty years of age, he resolved to forsake his peaceful life in Madinah and devote the rest of his days to holy war in far-away lands. Bilal (R.A) also participated in a number of battles. He then went to his small piece of land in the suburbs of Damascus, which he cultivated and lived on its produce.
It was the 20th year of Hijrah when Bilal (R.A) expired in Damascus. He was seventy when he died. Unfortunately, he died of an epidemic like the plague. It is stated that he was of the same age as Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A). On his deathbed, he was very glad at the prospect of meeting his master, the Prophet (S.A.W) and his companions who had already gone to the next world. When his wife cried out by his bedside and began to weep bitterly, he comforted her by saying:
“Do not cry. Why do you weep! I am looking forward to see my master, the Prophet (S.A.W) and other companions after such a long separation. If Allah wills, I shall meet them all tomorrow.” Likewise, he expired the day after, “Innalillah-e-Wa Inna Ilai-he-Raje-oon.” He was buried in Damascus, near Bab-as-Sagheer. Importantly, his tomb is even today the favourite resort of crowds of visitors. People, high and low, come to offer prayers (Fateha) at his grave.
Bilal (R.A) left no legacy in the form of material wealth or offspring, but he left a spiritual memorial which is unique in the world, that is Azan. The call to prayer has been recited continuously in the world, for the last fourteen hundred years of Islam, and as the people hear the call it recalls to mind the memory of the First Muazzin of Islam, Bilal bin Rabah (Radia Allahu Anhu).
Word | Meaning | Word | Meaning |
abode | home | precedence | supremacy |
utterance | a spoken word | suburbs | outskirts |
epidemic | outbreak | devote | sacrifice |
Fill in the blanks.
- The present __________ of the recital of the Azan in the Muslim world is the same as was originated by Bilal (RA).
- Bilal (RA) felt __________ in Madinah without Prophet (SAW).
- Later on, Bilal (RA) went to his small piece of land in the suburbs of __________ where he lived and cultivated.
- It was in the year ___________ of Hijra when Bilal (RA) expired.
- He was _________ years old when he died. The cause of his death was the epidemic of __________.
Answer the following.
Q1: What qualities had made Bilal (RA) the most preferred Muazzin during the Prophet’s (SAW) lifetime?
Q2: What role did Bilal (RA) play while accompanying the Prophet (SAW) during the battles?
Q3: What was Bilal (RA) glad about on his deathbed?