Write the importance of belief in the divine decree.
Belief in Allah’s attributes and unique powers is the main element of the Muslim faith. Quran and ahadith are witnesses that Allah has recorded humans’ destiny in Lauh-e-Mahfooz before their existence in the world. It creates a firm belief that only Allah has the Supreme Knowledge who knows about everyone’s destinies, whereas individuals have no idea what will happen in their future. Perhaps you will live a happy and easy life or suffer life calamities. It all depends on Allah’s will, what He chooses best for humans. Afterwards, Allah guided humans through prophets and granted them the freedom to choose their path, and in Hereafter life, Allah will decide the fate of humans based on their actions.

So, being Muslim, we should remain conscious of our actions and struggle to follow the righteous path. Along with it, we should pray before Allah and perform good deeds to have better decisions chosen for us in future.
With this vision in mind, humans will never trust false fortune-tellers or anyone else other than Allah. This belief breaks all sorts of barriers to man’s communication with God. Moreover, It develops patience in humans in times of life calamities. As a result, rather than getting hopeless, they pray to Allah and desire a better future.
Write an account about the relationship between belief in God’s divine decree and human responsibility.
The fifth article of the Islamic faith is the belief in the divine decree, and true Muslims believe in it without any certainty. He comprehends Allah decrees everything while he does not have the power to make any decision. On good or bad, moments of happiness or sorrow, pleasure or pain in life all come from God. According to this belief, the fate of every individual has already been predestined by Allah in different stages.
Firstly, fifty thousand years before the creation of the universe, Allah recorded everything in Lauh-e-Mahfooz. The life spans of all human beings are written, and the amount of their sustenance is shared out. It’s written when a person is in their mother’s womb, and Allah sends an angel to put the soul into a fetus. Putting after the soul, the angel writes his destiny which Allah has decided; his lifespan, gender, sustenance and whether he will be a dweller of Paradise or Hell.
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The Quran says this: “It is He who brought you from the wombs of your mothers when you knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affection that you may give thanks (to God).” (16:78)
Secondly, Allah’s mastery is definite and infallible. Due to His Supreme Knowledge, Allah knows when all souls would be sent down and given free will who would testify to Him as Lord and who would refuse to do so.
After the creation of Adam (A.S), when Allah took out all the progeny of Adam (A.S) and asked them, ‘Am I not your Lord?’ all of the humans responded, ‘We testify that you are our Lord.’ Then Allah decreed them that who shall go to Paradise and who shall go to Hell.
Thirdly, we should recall that Allah has created us with free will and the capability to choose, so the ability must work within us. Allah says, “Man can have nothing but what he strives for.” (an-Najam)
Allah is All-Knowing and Merciful to all His creatures. He does not burden anything to anyone. He does not hold us responsible for things we never did. Allah knows humans’ capability. Thus, He decides the destiny of man based on his committed actions, and we cannot deny His perfection in judgement.
Fourth, we believe the destiny of every creature is set to Allah and all the creatures of Allah move along their set proportion. Quran says, “He has created everything, and has ordained for it a measure.” (Quran 25:2)
In Islamic doctrine, Allah has power over His creations to decide their destiny which He already recorded in Loh-e-Mahfooz, though it does not mean humans have permission to ignore their responsibilities. Allah guided humans through prophets on the right path and then granted him free will to choose their way, and eventually, one day He will judge them following their actions. So humans have to remain conscious of deeds and struggle to follow the righteous path.