Skills Creator

Figurative Language

What is the Importance of Figurative Language? As you know, using accurate details in your writing is important. Such details help to convey exact images to the reader. When you describe how things actually look, sound, or feel, you are using literal language. With literal language, you say precisely what you mean. Sometimes, however, you

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Battle of Hunain

Huwazin and Thaqeef tribes were rivals of Quraish and had remained quiet all through the period of Islam-Quraish wars. However, after the peaceful fall of Makkah, threatened their common interests and they were looking for an opportunity to undo Prophet (S.A.W)’s efforts. So they decided to fight by preparing an army of 20,000 under Malik bin Auf to suppress the growing power of Muslims. When informed of the developments, the Prophet (S.A.W) called his men for jihad.

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Conquest of Makkah (Great Victory)

The conquest of Makkah was one of the most significant events in the history of Islam. It was not just the conquest of a city militarily, but also the conquest of hearts of Makkan leaders and citizens who were deeply impressed by the greatness and magnanimity of the Prophet (S.A.W). His worst enemies would now serve as his most trusted allies for the interest and expansion of Islam.

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