The articles a, an, and the are adjectives. An article is a determiner that indicates the coming of a noun.
Indefinite Articles
The indefinite article ‘a’ and ‘an’ means one and is used only with singular countable nouns. It leaves indefinite the place or person mentioned.
Ex. I bought ‘a house.’ (means any house)
Definite Article
The definite article ‘the’ points out the person or thing. It refers to a particular person or thing and can be used with both singular and plural nouns and also with uncountable nouns.
Ex. The house that I bought ten years ago is being painted.
The Definite Article with Places & Buildings (with the)
famous buildings | the Parthenon, the Great Pyramid |
oceans | the Pacific, the Indian Ocean |
seas | the Mediterranean, the Red Sea |
rivers | the Rhine, the Yangtze River |
deserts | the Sahara, the Gobi Desert |
most geographical regions | the north, the Australian outback, the Arctic |
mountain ranges | the Andes, the Rocky Mountains |
island groups | the Maldives, the Canary Islands |
The Definite Article with Places & Buildings (without the)
continents | Asia, Europe |
most countries | Egypt, China |
lakes | Lake Titicaca, Lake Victoria |
most mountains | Everest, Kilimanjaro, Table Mountain |
place name + building | Athens airport, Mumbai Central Station, Cambridge University |
Names which include republic, kingdom (Use the with)
the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom
Plural names of countries (Use the with)
Athens Airport, Mumbai Central Station, Cambridge University
Adjectives & Articles Exercises
Complete the following sentences by filling in suitable articles. The articles a, an, and the are adjectives.
1. Copper is _____ useful metal.
2. He is not _____ honourable man.
3. Honest man speaks _____ truth.
4. Do you see _____ blue sky?
5. He returned after ______ hour.
6. ______ sun shines brightly.
7. I first met him ______ year ago.
8. ______ lion is ______ king of beasts.
9. The children found ______ egg in the nest.
10. I bought ______ horse, _____ ox, and _____ buffalo.
11. He looks as stupid as ______ owl.
12. He is ______ honour to this profession.

Supply suitable adjectives.
- The ________ woman lives in a wretched hut.
- Suddenly there arose a ________ storm.
- The ________ bird catches the worm.
- He stands ________ feet in his stockings.
- He always walks with a ________ step.
- Have you any ________ reason to give?
- ________ anxiety has undermined his health.
- He was listened to in ________ silence.
- He was a man of ________ ambition.
- I watched an _______ movie last night.
- A ______ traveller was walking down the road.
- The ________ tidings were a heavy blow to the old man.
Identify the adjectives.
- Jack is a naughty boy. _____________
- This is a beautiful courtyard. _____________
- It was a glorious day with a clear blue sky. _____________
- This town has withstood many fierce battles. ____________
- The tall, slim girl standing near the big gate is my sister. ____________
Fill in the blanks with the adjectives formed from the words in brackets.
- John is a ________ boy. (mischief)
- I am ________ of no one. (envy)
- It is not a ________ crime. (pardon)
- Dark ________ clouds gathered in the sky. (storm)
- Snoopy is the most ________ dog I have seen. (meddle)
- Her _________ behaviour won her no friends. (outrage)
- The ________ violence seen in the film is repulsive. (sense)
- The dishonest man’s money and his ________ property was seized by the authorities. (move)
Write the adjectives in each sentence. Include articles.
- Doug read a recent report on the national population. ______________________________________________________________________________
- There has been a large increase in several states. ______________________________________________________________________________
- Certain other states have lost residents. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Substantial numbers are concentrated in the West. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The report showed that many Americans hold professional positions. _______________________________________________________________________________