Why Kids Should Read Every Day?

Research reveals that the daily habit of reading at an early age is effective in cultivating children’s imaginations. Storybooks are a great lure for improving kids’ critical thinking skills. Mystery books empower them to analyse the stories, make predictions, and comprehend complex ideas. It also strengthens problem-solving and information-processing abilities. They learn how to deal with unfavourable situations; children read stories where characters think outside the box or encounter unique solutions to problems, inspiring them to think creatively in their own lives. It fosters a mindset that values exploration and invention, resulting in a lifelong drive to learn new things and widen one’s views.

Readers Gain Insight into Unexplored Experiences

In this book we start by looking at the very first Anglo-Saxon Kings of England. We then move on to show how the Crown changed many hands as a result of conquest. We see some powerful kings and some weak ones. We see how the Crown has battled Parliament. We look at the period where the power finally did transfer to Parliament through to the times of our current queen, Elizabeth II. At the end we also look at who the next kings of England may be.

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