Outline the various kinds of circumambulations (Tawaf) around the Ka’ba required during the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) and describe the conditions of performing Hajj.
Hajj is aggregational worship, including physical exertion, financial sacrifice and spiritual development, which brings a Muslim closer to Allah, and the reward of an accepted Hajj is Paradise.
Tawaf is a ritual of Hajj. Going around the Kaaba seven times in an anticlockwise direction is called Tawaf. It commences and concludes at the Black Stone. During Hajj and Umrah, Pilgrims pay reverence to this holy stone by kissing or saluting after the completion of every single circuit of Tawaf, as a sign of obedience to the practice of Prophet Ibrahim A.S. and that of the Holy Prophet Mohammad S.A.W. Allah has commanded for Tawaf (circumambulation) around His House, “And circumbulate the ancient House.”

The Holy Prophet Mohammad S.A.W. and Prophet Ibrahim A.S. both practiced Tawaf, as an act of worship to Allah. Pilgrims from worldwide from different races, languages and colours come to this single focal point and one centre to express their affection and strong attachment to God, which brings the Pilgrims even closer to Allah. Additionally, it illustrates the harmony among God’s followers.
Tawaf-al-Qudoom, Tawaf-e-Ziarah, Tawaf-e-Wida and Tawaf-e-Nafila are different kinds of Tawaf that Pilgrims perform in the pilgrimage that have individual conditions.
Tawaf-al-Qudoom is performed on arrival for Hajj. Pilgrims conduct Tawaf Qudoom on entering Masjid-e-Haram. It is the Sunnah for the non-resident (Pilgrims) of Makkah who intends to perform Hajj Ifrad or Qiran. In contrast, it is not Sunnah for Hajj Tamattu.
Tawaf-e-Ziarah is also known as Tawaf Ifadah. It is a mandatory act for Pilgrims who are undertaking Hajj. If Pilgrims miss it, Hajj becomes invalid. After the first stoning of the jamarat, Pilgrims go to Makkah for Tawaf Ifadah on the 10th of Dil Hijja, yet, it is permissible for them to postpone it until the 12th of Dil Hijja.
Tawaf-e-Wida is a farewell Tawaf of Kaaba. It is Wajib for Pilgrims and is get reffered as Tawaf-e-Sadr. Pilgrims perform it as a final ritual of Hajj before leaving Makkah for their country. It is obligatory for all Pilgrims except women who are menstruating or bleeding following childbirth, and the one who fails to do it must sacrifice an animal of the type that is valid as an udhiyah.
Tawaf-e-Nafila is an optional Tawaf that Pilgrims can offer as they desire. It is better than a nafl salaat. Pilgrims perform it to appease Allah and to earn extra rewards for the worldly and Hereafter life.
Each of these Tawafs consists of seven circuits of the Kaaba. Before beginning Tawaf, Pilgrims must be in the state of wudu and have to make an intention (niyyah). Scholars have distinct views about wudu for the Tawaf. According to some scholars, wudu is fard (compulsory), while it is mustahabb (recommended) in the opinion of other scholars. If you do wudu, then there is no difference of opinion. Pilgrims (men) perform the first three circuits walking briskly and the other four circuits at a slower pace, which is Sunnah. Pilgrims start each round with the Black Stone by saying Allah Akber.
Belief in Holy Books ↗
The Quran is the message of Allah that accepts the truth of all Divine books sent down to other Prophets and verifies what was before it.
Belief in Tawheed ↗
Tawhid means that Allah alone is One Supreme God in the entity, as well as in attributes. No one can be a Muslim without believing in it.
Rituals of Hajj – Step by Step ↗
Hajj is mandatory for wealthy Muslims who are physically fit and can afford the expenses of the entire pilgrimage. Pilgrims are required to put …
Further, there isn’t any particular supplication during Tawaf; Pilgrims can recite pieces of dua on their own, yet, the following dua is recited at the last stretch of each Tawaf of the Kaaba, i.e. between ‘Rukne Yamani’ and ‘Hajar Aswad’ which is Sunnah. “O our Lord, give us the good in the world, and give us the good in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of the Hell Fire.” (Sura Baqarah 2:201)
After ending the seven circuits of Kaaba, Pilgrims offer two rak’at at the station of Maqaam Ibrahim if possible; otherwise, they may perform it anywhere in the mosque.