Describe the main events of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj).
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and was made obligatory in the Ninth year of hijra. It is mandatory for wealthy Muslims who are physically fit and can afford the expenses of the entire pilgrimage. Quran says, “Pilgrimage thereto (the Kaaba) is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey.” (3:97, Al-i-Imran)
Hajj commences on the 8th of Zil Hijja and concludes on the 13th of Zil Hijja. Muslim Pilgrims from throughout the globe travel to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj rituals. Pilgrims are required to put on Ihram (dress code for Hajj and Umra) before reaching the Mawaqit (boundaries around the sacred Mosque in Makka) and the intention of Hajj.

Ihram is particular for men and women. Men wear two unstitched white sheets; one enfolds the upper part of their body, and the other sheet is for covering the lower part of the body, while women wear ordinary clothes that can wrap their entire body except for their hands, feet and face. In Ihram, Pilgrims are restricted from violence, taking bathe, cutting nails & hair or using soap or shampoo. After putting on Ihram, Pilgrims constantly repeat Talbiyah. It is a demonstration of deference to God.
“I respond to Your call O Allah! I respond to Your call, and I am obedient to Your orders, You have no partner, I respond to Your call. All the praises and blessings are for Your, and You have no partners with you.” (Muslim 2:841)
On the 8th of the Zil Hajj, Pilgrims first perform Tawaf-i-Qudum. They start Tawaf from the Black Stone and terminate it at the same place. They go around the Kaaba seven times. Then, they offer two Raka’at of prayer at the station of Hazrat Abraham (Muqam-i-Ibrahim) as commanded by the Quran: “And take you the station of Abraham as a place for prayer,” (2:125, al-Baqara)
Subsequently, they proceed to Safa Marwa Hills to conduct Say’i. They perform Say’i by running seven times between the Safa and Marwa Hills in remembrance of Hazrat Hajir’s run in quest of water for her thirsty son, Hazrat Ismael. The Quran describes the hills as: “Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of God. So those who visit the House should compass them round.” (2:158, al-Baqara)
After the completion of Say’i, they move towards Mina, a plain east of Makkah. They recite Talbiyah offer prayers, recite Quran and spend the entire night in adhkaar and supplications. The next day, on the 9th of Zil- Hajj, Pilgrims depart from Mina after the Fajr prayer for Arafat. It is compulsory for Pilgrims to reach there before the Zuhr prayer to observe the stay (Wuquf-i-Arafat). This plain is very significant in the history of Islam. Prophet SAW declared in a Hadith, “The pilgrimage is called the day of Arafat (Yaum al Arafat).”
In the plain of Arafat, as a continued tradition of the Prophet SAW Farewell Sermon, the Imam preaches a sermon to remind Pilgrims of their duties following Allah’s order. Afterwards, they perform shortening prayers (Qasr) for Zuhr and Asr and combine them both. They spend their day remembering Allah and pleading His mercy and forgiveness from Zuhr till Maghrib. Wuquf-i-Arafat (Staying on the plain of Arafat) is the main factor of the Hajj. Scholars state if any Pilgrim skips this day, his Hajj is void without this observance.
Pilgrims stay in Arafat until dusk and proceed to Muzdalifah without offering Maghrib prayer. At that moment, again, they perform combined prayer (Maghrib with Isha) and shorten (Qasr) Isha by half. Pilgrims spend the night in the plain of Muzdalifah in special prayers. Shortly after the Fajr prayer, Pilgrims collect 49 pebbles for Rami and depart for Mina. Quran pays homage to this plain: “Then when you pour down from Arafat, celebrate the praises of God at the Sacred Monument (Muzdalifa).” (2:198, al-Baqara)
In Mina, on the morning of the 10th Zil Hajj, they perform the Rami of one pillar, Jamart-ul-Uqabah, by hitting it with seven pebbles, one by one. The recitation of Talbiyah comes to an end after Rami. Following the Rami, they sacrifice a goat, sheep or camel. Pilgrims (men) shave off their heads (Halaq), while (women) trim at least an inch of a lock of their hair. Now, they are released from Ihram restrictions that were valid in the state of Ihram, yet, marital relationships are not Halal for them till Hajj completion.
Going to Makkah for Tawaf-i-Ziyara/Tawaf-i-Ifada is their next move. It is a prerequisite for the pilgrimage. Pilgrims circumambulate around the Kaaba seven times and then offer two Rakaat prayers at the station of Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Later, they perform Say’i (run between Safa and Marwa Hills seven times) and return to Mina for a stay.
Later, they run between Safa and Marwa Hills seven times and return to stay in Mina for the next two or three days (11th, 12th and 13th of Zil Hajj). The next two or three days (11th, 12th and 13th of Zil Hajj) are known as, Ayyam-at-Tashreeq. During the stay in Mina, Pilgrims perform the Rami of Jamarat-ul-Ula, Jamarat-ul-Wusta, and Jamarat-ul-Uqubah. This Rami is done in a prescribed manner. After fulfilling the Rami, Pilgrims leave Mina before Mughrib, or else they have to stay in Mina for the Rami of the 13th Zil Hajj.
Before leaving Makkah and returning to their country, Pilgrims are required to perform Tawaf Wida as a final act. After this act, Hajj is complete.

Niyyah for Umrah
Niyyah does not need to be uttered by the tongue, rather it should be made from the heart. Some scholars have mentioned that it is …
How does Hajj encourage a sense of equality amongst Muslims?
A pilgrimage to Mecca is obligatory for every financially able Muslim to undertake at least once in their lifetime. It is a religious event in which Muslims from all over the world that belongs to diverse ethnicities, colourations, and ranks congregate in one location to perform Hajj rites. The purpose of the intention of Hajj is to please Allah solely.
Hajj commences on the 8th Dul Hajj and concludes on the 13th Dul Hajj. Haj rituals are performed in the congregation. Muslims wear two white sheets (Ihram) as a dress. It does not matter whether they are rich or poor, from which social status they belong, or the political background they come from. It reminds them that they are all equal before God. The Quran clearly outlines the standard by which Allah judges.
“O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male (Hazrat Adam) and a female (Hazrat Hawwa /Eve), and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other; (but) verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is the one who is the most righteous of you.” (49:13, al-Hujarat)
Hajj is a collective ibadah for Muslims without any discrimination. Thus, the Pilgrims follow the same dress code (Ihram), which inculcates a genuine feeling of equality among Pilgrims. It fosters fraternity and wards off jealousy when they circulate the Kaba simultaneously, do Sayi and Rami, and assemble in Arafat. Pilgrims gather together and recite aloud the same Talbiyyah. It brings a sense of equality amongst Muslims. In the plain of Arafat, the historic wording of the Farewell Sermon of the Holy Prophet SAW was:
“An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor has a non-Arab any superiority over an Arab; also, a white has no superiority over black, nor has a black any superiority over white, except by piety and good actions.”
10th Dhu-al-Hijja ↗
What acts do Pilgrims perform on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja, and how does the rest of the Muslim community celebrate this day?
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An essential component of the Hajj is Rami, or throwing stones at Satan. Rami is performed in memory of Ibrahim A.S.’s sacrifice, Satan misguided him multiple times, yet he remained devoted to Allah’s command and threw stones at Satan to drive him away. Rami also serves as a reminder that Satan constantly seeks to divert people from the Straight Path, just like he did to Ibrahim A.S. Therefore, rejecting it and taking precautions against it are both essential: “And We have guarded them from every evil spirit accursed.” (15:17, al- Hijr)
Likewise, everyone performs Hjj rituals at the exact time. Nobody can distinguish between rich and poor, as each Pilgrim is performing the same deed. It promotes love and unity. Pilgrims forget their possessions and social status and are solely interested in worshipping Allah to appease Him and beg for His pardon. In this way, Hajj ceremonies instil in people a spirit of equality, solidarity, and brotherhood by demonstrating that only Allah is great and all people are equal.