Is it better to work alone or in a group? In most parts of the world, often people have debates on diverse opinions, and this debate will never end. One of these particular discussion topics in school is: whether an individual works more efficiently as an independent or in a group. People have distinct opinions concerning the topic.

Some people might prefer working as a soloist while others might favour working together in groups. Working as a group, it is possible to take suggestions on the assigned task to improve the quality of the output. However, in group work, you want to do a specific section of the task, but if your partner already desires to do the same, you will have a vast debate for nothing.
Similarly, working by oneself is a tedious activity if you do not take an interest personally. Anyway, independent working still has some privileges. Being a soloist, you can concentrate on your work appropriately, without any disturbance. You can do your task according to your priority and mood. The choice belongs to you!

Subsequently, group work is favourite for people who like a massive amount of conversations. Some benefits of working in a group can be discussions about possible routes and methods of the task, comparing answers, and being social. For case, group studies in schools aid students to get solutions to improve learning. Moreover, group study helps to present a sounder way to showcase their project. Group study allows searching for a method that makes the work easier. It improves your social life and contributes to creating new bonds between two strangers.
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Personally speaking, I am a very dominating character. Independence is my strong zone since I do not have the stress of my teammates not working or completing the tasks given. Regardless, I would like to be very self-sufficient. Now the big question is: What way of working do you prefer?