Q: What does the statement “There is no ability or power except through Allah” tell you about Muslim belief in Allah’s predestination and decree?
The Arabic word for destiny is “Qadr”, and the decree is “Qadar”. Qadr is that which has been destined while Qadar is a fate that is designed timely. This belief is essential and mentioned in Iman-e-Mufassil. Muslims believe Allah is the Absolute Controller and Regulator of this universe and every organism He created has a destiny which Allah decides. The livelihood of a person, his life span, his actions and whether he will be happy or unhappy.
The Quran strengthens this belief by saying: “the decree continues to descend among them, that you may know that God has power over all things and that God indeed encompasses all things in knowledge.” (65:12)
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Faith in predestination means that Allah has decided and ordered all things that happen in this world and in our lives. Belief in predestination includes four aspects. First of all, Allah is the Lord of the entire universe. He is the Creator, the Organizer, the Supreme Planner, the Sustainer, the Law Giver, the Designer, and the Giver of Security. Because of all might and majesty of God, it becomes crystal clear that His wisdom is intimately linked with His power, and both attributes are boundless. Since Allah knows everything, He alone controls all His creations, He decides and determines the destiny of everyone as Quran says:
“And Allah brought you out of the wombs of your mothers while you knew nothing, and gave you hearing, sight, and intellect so perhaps you would be thankful.” (16:78)

Allah has recorded all that has passed, everything that is happening, and all that will take place in future. Whatever Allah will happen, and whatever He wills not does not occur.
Allah’s creation is not haphazard; everything goes by law, proportion and measure. Everything has its appointed time, place, and occasion. However, humans have been granted liberty in making choices in life, but they are submissive to the laws of nature and the rules of Sharia. They are (Ashraful-Makhlooqat) because they have been given the option to choose between good and evil. Allah is the Best of the Planners and has designed the things in this world and the Hereafter. Though it surely does not mean that we are obliged to do what is predestined, and we don’t have any freedom of choice.
Allah has bestowed man with the ability to do good or bad. People decide what to do, but Allah knows it even before we were created, only because of His Supreme Knowledge. The fact that everything is known to Him that whatever we do and whatever we are going to do, doesn’t affect our freedom of will.
We can do anything and choose any way using our free will. But based on our actions, our timely destiny is decided yearly or daily. According to Allah’s given opportunity, constant supplication and performing good deeds is the only thing that can change our fate. Man has also been shown the right path through Prophets and Messengers. Man has the sole choice to accept or decline this divine guidance. As the Quran says: “Surely we have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful.” (Al-Insaan)
Q: How does this belief in God’s divine decree affect the day-to-day life of Muslims?
Belief in God’s predestination directly influences the manners of Muslims in several ways. This belief will lead a believer to remain conscious of his acts and struggle to follow the right path. He will pray before God and perform good deeds to have better decisions decided for him in future.
On the flip side, in case of failure or setback, he will associate the results with Allah’s will. With this concept, one will never ask for someone else’s help except Allah, as only Dua can change one’s predestination. A Muslim will develop true faith in God. He will consider his achievements as a sign of God’s blessings, and in return, he will express gratitude to Him and will adopt a humble attitude. Being a Muslim, such an attitude will help him to live a normal life without developing criminal-like and negative thoughts. Quran says: “God is never unjust in the least degree.” (Al Nisaa)
He will stay contented in all stages of his life and will hope for compensation. He will also have no fear of death as he will know life and death are only in the hand of Allah.