Have you ever wondered how the universe, which consists of billions of stars and planets, came to be? Many might not think so, although some people ponder which splendid entity created and controlled it.
It is Allah Almighty, the King of the Kings, the Governor of the Governors and the Commander of the Commanders, who created this whole world and the one that has complete control over it. Everyone is aware of the fact that there is some heavenly being that created this universe and is in control of it. Human beings are dependent on Allah at all times.

Allah is omnipotent. He is the Sovereign of all and is superior to any Worldly-Wise Power. Allah is the All-Hearing. He is omniscient and manages all our affairs, as is mentioned in the Quran. Whatever misfortune or suffering befalls a person is a blessing from Allah that can not be averted, and whatever does not happen to him was not intended for him.
The Prophet (saw) said: “know if all humanity gathered to harm you, they could not do so unless Allah had decreed, the pen has been lifted and the pages have dried.” Since Allah Almighty has created this universe, controls it and provides for the beings residing in it, He is thus the only one who has the right to be worshipped, and all praise and glory belong to Allah alone. Allah has no son; He was not begotten, and that stated in the Quran (112:3) rejects the doctrine of the Trinity.
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The Prophet S.A.W said, “The keys of the unseen are five, no one knows them but Allah, no one knows what is in the womb, but Allah, no one knows what will happen tomorrow but Him, no one knows when it will rain, but Allah, no one knows where he will die, but Allah and no one knows when the Hour will manifest, but Allah.”
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