It was the month of June. It was midnight time. I was sleeping on the floor of my house when I heard the cries of ‘fire! fire!’ I got up with a fright. I ran downstairs barefooted, without a second thought and joined the people hastily to the fire spot. After two lanes of my house, we reached a palatial building on fire. It was very dark there due to enormous columns of smoke curling up in the sky.

I saw the fire was flaring quickly and soon caught the woodwork. The residents were screaming outside the building for help because their two family members were still in the building. They were requesting assistance from people to save them from the ruins. At this moment, people threw buckets of water toward the fire to control it, so they could enter the building to rescue victims, yet the fire crackled and blazed forth into a fury. Shortly, it began to threaten the adjoining constructions.
In this circumstance, a few individuals around me were whispering about the cause of this tragic incident. I was also curious about this mishap. I witnessed that a person from the victim’s family was far away from the crowd to call someone. I chased him and mourned. I noticed that he was anxious as the fire brigade number was not responding. I assisted him in locating fire brigade and rescue service numbers to call. Next, I questioned him about the cause of the fire.
Soon firemen’s team reached the spot. The firefighters spread the network of water hoses and set up sliding ladders against the walls to clamber up. Following, a few daring firefighters mounted the burning roofs to access the ground and middle floor to save the occupied members of the victim’s family. After a heroic effort of two hours, firefighters smothered the fire without any loss of life. It was a terrible experience for me. I was sleepless for multiple nights as I could not forget this incident from my memory.
Nonetheless, one week later, we had an exercise at school regarding evacuation during a fire outbreak. It was noteworthy for me as we learnt how to safeguard our home and ourselves from fire. A professional firefighter came to our class and delivered a lecture. He spoke about some critical points to evacuating any fire instantly.
He advised that you could install a smoke alarm at all key locations in your house to be informed swiftly. Besides, an emergency exit in the apartment’s proximity is a safe way to reduce danger. In addition, he suggested that all rooms must have more than one exit point. If there is a fire outbreak around you, don’t panic and gradually move towards the doorway while crawling. Once you are sure you can get yourself out of trouble, proceed ahead to help others stuck in the fire. It was one of the finest lectures I adhered to that relaxed me onwards. Therefore, I nodded off early.
Helping questions are given to write this essay “An Incident of A House on Fire.” You may write with your ideas.
Q: What were you doing when you heard the cries of fire?
Q: Explain how did you react after hearing the noises?
Q: Describe the situation during the breakout from your perspective?
Q: How did you support the victim’s family in this dangerous situation?
Q: What was the reaction of people as they encountered the fire?
Q: How was the fire overcome?
Q: Did you learn any lessons from this mishap?