Learning Expectation
Creative Writing is a supportive website for kids who are taking Islamiyat as a subject in IGCSE. It offers notes for them to better understand their syllabus and good guidance for their grooming. These notes are compiled from authentic sources which are as per the requirements of the IGCSE marking scheme and are helpful for them to train for exams. IGCSE students can get Islamiyat -0493 material from here.
The above-provided material (IGCSE Islamiyat – 0493) is not only for students who are interested in academics but are for ordinary people too. Moreover, it is an authentic source of information and awareness about Islam for the new generation who aren’t aware of Islamic history and are keen on gaining religious knowledge.
The Life of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) (570 AD – 632 AD)
Prophet’s Life Before Revelation
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was born in Makkah, on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal, 570 A.D. He belonged to the Banu Hashim …
Prophet’s Experience of Revelation
As Prophet (S.A.W) was growing older, he did isolate himself from the corrupt …
Migration to Madina
Prophet (S.A.W) escaped from Makkah to Madinah with his friend, Abu Bakr (R.A) as per Allah’s order. They hid in Cave Thaur …
Battle of Badr
The Quraysh were jealous of the growing power of the Prophet (S.A.W). For this reason, they were immensely …
Battle of Uhad
The defeat at Badr intensified the hatred of the Quraish. The causes were generally the same as for the battle of Badr. In the combat …
Battle of Trench
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W), in response to Abu Sufyan’s challenge at Uhad, led a force of 1500 men with merchandise …
Treaty of Hudaibya
In 6 A.H. 628 AD, the Prophet (S.A.W) himself saw a dream of his visit to the Kaaba. The next morning, Prophet (S.A.W) …
Expedition of Khyber
One of the significant events after the pact of Hudaibya is the conquest of Khyber. It was the place 70 miles …
Battle of Hunain
Huwazin and Thaqeef tribes were rivals of Quraish and had remained quiet all through the period of Islam-Quraish wars.
Battle of Mutah
In 7 A.H, the Prophet (S.A.W) had started sending the message of Islam, to various non-Muslims rulers within …
Conquest of Makkah
The treaty of Hudaibya remained only for two years. The Makkans were allied with Banu Bakr whereas …
Tabuk Expedition
The Christians who had hostile relations with Muslims since the time of the Battle of Mautah couldn’t withstand…
The Farewell Pilgrimage
By the year 10 A.H. Mohammad (S.A.W) had successfully established society on the basis of ‘There is …
Final Year of Prophet S.A.W’s Life
The last year of the life of the Prophet (S.A.W) was marked by several important events.
Hazrat Khadija
Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W)’s wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was the daughter of Khuwaylid bin Asad and her mother …