Write about the life of the Prophet Mohammad’s first wife Khadija.
Early Life History of Hazrat Khadija (R.A)
Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W)’s wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was the daughter of Khuwaylid bin Asad and her mother was Fatima bint e Zaida. Her father belonged to a wealthy family of the Quraish, who died in the battle of Fijar. He left great fortunes and business for her.
Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was famous for her piety and good character since childhood. Before marrying to the Prophet (S.A.W), she was twice married and widowed. She first married Abu Hala and bore two sons. Then, she got married to Ateeq and had a daughter from this marriage. Following the death of her second husband, she received several proposals from various chiefs of the Quraish, but she refused and remained a widow for a long time. While she was conducting trade in Makkah by sending caravans to Syria, she wanted a reliable person to take care of her business.
Selection of Trustworthy Man
At the time in Makkah, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was called ‘Al Sadiq’ and ‘Al Amin’ for his truthfulness and trustworthiness. Hazrat Khadija was also aware of the marvellous attributes of the Prophet. On the requirement of a trustworthy man to lead her caravan, Hazrat Khadija (R.A), after being recommended by many noblemen, found no better option than the Prophet (S.A.W). So she called him, and his hiring for that purpose became finalized.
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Journey of Prophet (S.A.W) to Syria
On the journey to Syria, He (S.A.W) took her merchandise and brought back huge profits. Maysarah, the slave of Hazrat Khadija, was accompanied by the Prophet (S.A.W) on this journey. As they returned, Maysarah greatly praised Mohammad (S.A.W)’s virtues and trading skills to Hazrat Khadijah.
Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was impressed due to the honesty of the Prophet as a merchant. She decided to send a marriage proposal through her friend Nafeesa which He (S.A.W) accepted after consulting his uncle, Abu Talib. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was 40 years old while Mohammad (S.A.W) was 25 at the time of their marriage,
Marriage of Hazrat Khadijah with Mohammad (S.A.W)
Khadija (R.A.) was the first wife of Mohammad (S.A.W). She brought wealth, prestige and influence to Mohammad (S.A.W). Prophet S.A.W. did not take another spouse throughout the life of Hazrat Khadijah. Allah blessed Mohammad (S.A.W) with the ideal wife in Khadija (R.A). Allah granted them four daughters and two sons; Ruqayyah, Zaynab, Umme Kulthoom, Fatima, Abdullah and Ibrahim (both sons passed away during childhood).
Support of Khadijah for Prophet (S.A.W)
At forty, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) received his first revelation and returned shaken from the experience. She was there to console him by saying that God would not humiliate him as he was a noble and kind man. Moreover, she immediately believed in him and became the first-ever convert to Islam. She took him to her scholarly cousin Waraqa bin Nawfil who explained the incident of the Prophet (S.A.W) by saying that it was the awarding of prophethood to Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W).

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Prophet Muḥammad
Hazrat Khadija was the only wife of the Prophet (S.A.W) who stood by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s side with faith and fortitude in the face of all opposition and cruelties of the Makkans, including the social boycott (616 – 619 A.D).
Death of Hazrat Khadija
In the 10th year of prophethood, soon after the socio-economic boycott had ended, Hazrat Khadija died. At the time of her death, she was 65 years old. The Prophet (S.A.W) was deeply grieved over this loss and termed the year as ‘The Year of Grief’. His words were, “She believed in me when others disbelieved and confirmed my truthfulness when others called me a liar.”
Prophet (S.A.W) love for Khadijah (R.A) caused jealousy among his other wives. Her influence on the life of the Holy Prophet in Makkah was the greatest, and He declared her to be one of the highest-ranking women in Paradise. She was titled “Mother of the faithful.”
Bilal ibn Rabah
First Muazzin of Islam & most loyal companion of Prophet (S.A.W)
Hudhayfah ibn al Yaman
The Keeper of the Secret of the Messenger of Allah
Taking two aspects of their relationship, explain how the marriage of the Prophet and Khadija sets a good example for Muslim marriages today.
In all aspects of life, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is an eternal source of guidance for Muslims. Therefore, His marriage with Hazrat Khadija (R.A) has many guidelines for Muslim couples today to spend their lives. Ahadith show that He (S.A.W) had a special love and respect for her, and He (S.A.W) often expressed this after her death. For example, once he told Hazrat Aisha (R.A), “Ayesha! Khadija’s love was given to me by God; never did God give me a better wife than Khadija.”
Inspiration for Muslims
Muslim couples today may act upon this Hadith by showing love and care towards each other. They should establish a healthy mutual relationship to enjoy the blessings of married life.
Similarly, another aspect of this holy marriage was Hazrat Khadija’s (R.A) unflinching support and loyalty toward her husband. She trusted him that she immediately believed in whatever the Prophet told her about his first encounter with Hazrat Jibrael in the Cave Hira. Khadija (R.A) was sure of the reality of his prophetic mission that she sacrificed her life after the prolonged suffering of the social boycott in 619 A.D. She left an indelible imprint in the history of devotion and dedication.
Muslim wives today should imitate Hazrat Khadija (R.A) by supporting their husbands in any mission. They should try to share their burden and be obedient to them because the Quran commands them this in these words: “Therefore, the righteous women are devotedly obedient.” (4:34 Al-Nisa) It will guarantee a happy family life full of trust and affection.
Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“The best of women among the people of Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint ‘Imran, and ‘Asiyah bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh.
(Musnad Aḥmad – 2896)
Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him?
The marriage of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) to Khadija was a significant event in his life. Firstly, it brought financial prosperity to his career and the Quran, in Surah Al-Duha, makes a reference to this aspect: “And He found you in (financial) need and made you independent.”
Secondly, marriage is a significant institution in Islam that proved to be a source of emotional stability for the spiritual development of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and thus for his prophetic mission.
Thirdly, Khadija played an important role when the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) had his first encounter with Angel Jibrael. She consoled and comforted him and became a source of interpretation of his experience when she took him to Waraqa bin Nawfil.
Finally, she stood by his side during the Holy Prophet began public preaching by the command of Allah. She became the first-ever convert on the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s call. She extended her support to her husband in the face of all persecution and hostility by the Makkans. So much so that she continued to bear afflictions during the three years of the social boycott (616 – 619 A.D), she finally, submitted to prolonged suffering at the end of the boycott. The Prophet (S.A.W) was so saddened over this loss that he declared the year as “Year of Grief.”