Nouns Exercises for Grade 5
1. Underline the nouns in the following sentences and mention which type of noun it is.
- The crowd was very big. _______________________________________________________________________________
- We saw a fleet of ships in the Harbour. _______________________________________________________________________________
- John was very famous for his wisdom. _______________________________________________________________________________
- We all love honesty. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Sara wrote a speech about the importance of freedom. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Jess planted trees in Gable park. _______________________________________________________________________________
- I give my mum a bouquet of flowers on her birthday. _______________________________________________________________________________
- I want to go to Florida next summer. _______________________________________________________________________________
- I wrote a story about a man getting robbed by a gang of thieves. _______________________________________________________________________________
- We thanked him for his bravery. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. Change the singular nouns into plurals in the following sentences:
- The woman picked the tomato. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The fly landed in the bush. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The man was afraid of the woman. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The thief stole the watch. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The child picked the leaf. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The dish was on the shelf. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The mouse lived in the piano. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The potato was the same size as the orange. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The fox attacked the goose. _______________________________________________________________________________
- The lady gave presents to the child. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. First circle the adjectives in the following sentences then write these adjectives in the given blanks.
- The pretty girl was wearing a green dress. __________
- The small donkey was in the field. __________
- The boy was sitting in the empty classroom. __________
- The detective questioned the fat man. __________
- He stopped the black car in a narrow lane. __________
- They landed the spaceship on the cold planet. __________
- I saw a sad clown in his colourful costume. __________
- She wrote a long letter and left it on the table. __________
- The brown horse was in the thick forest. __________
- The large liner crossed the calm ocean. __________
4. Fill appropriate propositions in the following sentences:
- The lion and the unicorn fought __________ the crown.
- She sat __________ the fire and told me a tale.
- He rules __________ a vast empire.
- Do not cry __________ spilt milk.
- The river flows __________ the bridge.
- We cannot live __________ water.
- He is __________ the room, hiding __________ the door.
- The helicopter flew __________ the mountain and landed __________ the beach.
- Last year I climbed __________ Mount Brandon __________ my best friend.
- He went __________ the hardware shop and bought a tin __________ paint.
- The library closed __________ an hour between one and two o’clock.
- We sheltered __________ a tree__________ the rain.
5. Write an appropriate personal pronoun in the following blanks:
Subject pronouns usually come before the main verb, while object pronouns follow the main verb.
- Do you know that man? Do you know __________?
- My friend and I have the money. __________ can go shopping.
- Robert and Mark are late. __________ should hurry.
- She gave __________ a birthday gift. I really like it.
- Elephants are very big, so __________ eat a lot of food.
- Do you feel okay? Can I help __________?
- My new neighbours are very friendly. I really like __________.
- I need to find my book. Where did you put __________?
- Spiders have eight legs, and __________ also have many eyes.
- I’m busy right now. Could you please call __________ after an hour?
- He gave me the box, but __________ lost it.
- We gave him the money, and he gave __________ the candy.
- I rarely eat junk food because __________ isn’t healthy.
- Who is she? Do you know __________ name?
- My sister isn’t here. __________ is at work.
- Dinosaurs were very large, but __________ all died millions of years ago.
- Could you please help __________? I have a problem.
Test Preparation Material for Grade 5
Math Topics
Factors & Divison Exercises + Word Problems (PDF)
Factors & Multiples Exercises (PDF)
Numbers Exercises (PDF)
Angle Exercises (PDF)
English Grammar Topics
Adjectives Exercises (PDF)
Preposition Exercises (PDF)
Punctuation Marks Exercises (PDF)
Noun Exercises (PDF)
Pronoun Exercises (PDF)