“Surely we have granted you a clear victory.”
(Al-Fath -48:1)
Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of Hudaibya and the main terms in it.
Dreaming of Visiting the Kaaba
In 6 Hijri, 628 AD, the Prophet (S.A.W.) saw a dream of him visiting the Kaaba. The next day, the Prophet (S.A.W.) directed his companions to prepare for the voyage. Moreover, the Arabs around Madinah were invited to accompany them on this journey. They were hesitant to enter the Quraish stronghold, though.
Allah says, “Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His Messenger with truth, you shall certainly enter the Sacred Mosque if Allah pleases in security.” (Al-Fath 48:27)
Travel for Pilgrimage
In Dhul Qadah, the Prophet (S.A.W.) set out from Madinah for Hajj accompanied by 1400 Muhajireen and Ansar. Everyone was unarmed except for an unsheathed sword for self-defence. They were in the state of Ihram, and their sole aim was the pilgrimage. Therefore, they just brought sacrificial animals with them.
On the contrary, when the Quraish learned about the Muslims’ arrival, they decided to block their entry into Makkah. A cavalry unit under the command of Khalid bin Walid and Ikrama bin Abu Jahl was deployed to monitor their movements.
When Muslims were performing their Zuhr (Noon) prayer, Khalid bin Walid intended to attack. It was foiled as the Prophet (S.A.W.) received a revelation that Muslims would not pray in a single congregation. Hence, one group of Muslims prayed while others stood guard, and then those who stood guard prayed while the others kept watch. It is referred to as ‘Salaah Al- Khauf which implies a prayer to be performed at times of danger.
Negotiation Between Quraish & Muslims
The Prophet (S.A.W.) had no intention of fighting. Hence, He bypassed the main route of Makkah and headed to Hudaibya instead. A few miles from Makkah, it was an unusual route. Quraish had realised Muslims intended to visit the Kaaba; nevertheless, they were resolved to fight rather than allow Muslims to enter Makkah. Prophet (S.A.W.) decided to send a messenger to Makkah to convince them, but Quraish mistreated him. Then, He (S.A.W.) dispatched Uthman ibn Affan for negotiation, who had a powerful family to guard him in Makkah. Uthman ibn Affan was imprisoned for a long time, and as a result, a rumour circulated among Muslims that he had been assassinated.
Bayt al Rizwan
Thus, the Prophet (S.A.W.) summoned his companions to pledge their allegiance for avenging the blood of Uthman (R.A.). This pledge was made while the Prophet (S.A.W.) stood under a tree and extended his hand so all his followers performed the Baiyt on his hand. It is called “Bayt al Rizwan”, or the Oath of God’s Pleasure.

“Allah indeed was pleased with the believers, when they swore allegiance to you under the tree and He knew what was in their hearts, so he sent down peace on them and rewarded them with a clear victory.”
(Al-Fath 48:18)
Regardless, Hazrat Uthman (R.A.) returned after some time. When the Quraish learned of this oath of allegiance, they decided not to court war and sent Sohail bin Amr to make peace. Finally, a treaty was signed that became known as the Hudaibya Treaty.
Terms of the Treaty of Hudaibya
Firstly, the Prophet (S.A.W.) would go back this year with the Muslims without performing Umrah but would come to Makkah the following year and stay there for three days.

Secondly, this truce was to be in place for ten years. Accordingly, whoever wished to enter a bond with the Prophet (S.A.W.) would be permitted to do so. Likewise, anybody could come to a similar agreement with the Quraish.
Lastly, anyone who fled from Makkah to Madinah would be returned by the Prophet (S.A.W.) to the Quraish, despite any Muslims who went to Makkah would not be returned.
The peace treaty was still in drafting; meanwhile, a new convert, Abu Jandal, the son of Sohail bin Amr reached Hudaibya and requested the Prophet (S.A.W.) to protect him from the pagans. Prophet (S.A.W.) kept his promise by returning him to Quraish and prayed to God for Abu Jandal.
Umm Salmah’s Advice & Set Out for Madinah
After concluding the peace treaty, the Prophet (S.A.W.) told his companions to slaughter their animals, but none of them got up. Prophet (S.A.W.) repeated his call thrice, but his words went unheeded. He (S.A.W.) then went to Umm Salmah and explained the situation. She advised the Prophet (S.A.W.) to sacrifice his animal and get his head shaved without talking to anybody. Prophet (S.A.W.) did so. This action made the companions take notice, and they followed the Prophet (S.A.W.) by sacrificing animals, shaving their heads and setting out for Madinah.
Reasons for the Resentment of Muslims
The Muslims were depressed for two reasons. They had marched out of Madinah expecting to undertake Umrah, and now they were returning without ever entering Makkah. Next, an unjust term of deportation was imposed to return anyone coming over to them from Quraish, while the Quraish were not bound to send back any Muslim who had crossed over to their side. Hazrat Umar (R.A.) expressed his concern rather loudly. Yet, the Prophet (S.A.W.) assured him of God’s help. This treaty lasted only two years. Later, Quraish broke it.
What lessons Muslims today can learn from the Truce of Hudaibya?
Truce of Hudaibya deploys numerous lessons for Muslims to learn from the conduct of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his followers. The return of Abu Jandal by the Prophet (S.A.W.) illustrates the lesson of completing and honouring pledges and covenants, even though He (S.A.W.) did not sign the contract and just committed to it verbally. So, regardless of the circumstances, a true believer should always stick to his promise. Therefore, whenever Muslims need to sign a pact with individuals or groups, they should not violate it, even under severe circumstances.
Next, Muslims found it hard to accept unfavourable terms; nevertheless, they stayed patient and accepted such clauses to prevent aggression. It demonstrates Muslims’ deep belief in Allah’s purpose, which was superior to theirs, and that Allah will ultimately help them triumph over.
The Prophet (S.A.W.) consented to the Truce of Hudaibya because He (S.A.W.) viewed it as a diplomatic approach to prevent conflict and reap long-term advantages. It significantly showcases Prophet (S.A.W.)’s ability to resolve disputes using sound judgment and strategic thought.
Furthermore, this adaptability in challenging situations facilitated the Prophet (S.A.W.) to gain the trust of the Quraish. In the long run, these favourable circumstances allowed Muslims to devote their concentration to preaching Allah’s message rather than battling oppressors, thus facilitating the spread of Islam.

Migration to Madina
Write about the events of the first year following the Prophet’s arrival in Madina
the significance of these events as an example for Muslims today

Farewell Pilgrimage
Write a detailed account of the farewell pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Prophet’s Farewell Sermon can help Muslim communities today
In a nutshell, Muslims today may learn the lessons of trustworthiness, patience, wisdom in decision-making and strategic diplomacy from the Truce of Hudaibya, and they can apply these teachings to live their lives according to Islamic guidelines.
From this event, what can Muslims learn about the importance of keeping their word.
The Treaty of Hudaibya was finalised between Quraish and Muslims. Its terms and conditions were unsuitable for Muslims, yet the Prophet (S.A.W.) set an eternal example of the importance of keeping his word after the Treaty of Hudaibya.
For illustration, according to the treaty, if any person fled from Makkah to take shelter in Madina, Muslims would return them to Quraish. In contrast, Quraish were free of this condition. When both parties had agreed to the terms and conditions of the treaty at Hudaibya, however, it had not been signed, Abu Jandal, a new convert from Makkah, fled his persecutors and sought the Prophet (S.A.W.) pleading with him to accompany him, “O Messenger of God! Even the ink of the treaty has not yet dried; so help me against the tyrant Makkans.”
Despite this, the Prophet (S.A.W.) sent him back rather than sheltering him. In this sense, the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) attitude shows the importance of keeping promises regardless of the consequences. The Quran says, “…and fulfil every engagement, for every engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Judgement).” (Al-Isra, 17:34)
Today’s Muslims must incorporate such magnificent traditions into their everyday routines. For example, some parents offer prizes to motivate their children to complete specified duties. They manipulate it as a bait for their children. They must remember that God knows about their pledges, and they are accountable on the day of judgment for what they committed. So, they should keep their commitments rather than using them as a mere lure for their children.
Similarly, politicians frequently make exaggerated claims before elections. They persuade citizens to vote for them by their claims. They should have a genuine sense of accountability, follow the spirit of this teaching, and try to fulfil their promises; no matter how hard they are, ultimately, God will reward them accordingly.
Write effects/importance of Truce of Hudaibya.
The terms of the treaty of Hudaibya were humiliating for the Muslims, yet, in reality, the Hudabiya pact proved highly beneficial for the success of the Prophet (S.A.W.)’s mission and the formation of Islam. The Muslims were temporarily dejected since they were not permitted to conduct Umrah, but when they received the revelation of the conquering of Makkah, their hearts were filled with delight. So, the alliance resulted in the triumph of victories for Muslims, i.e. the conquest of Makkah. Allah says, “Surely we have granted you a clear victory.” (Al-Fath-48:1)
Islamic Education
Quranic Stories are a reliable source and valuable asset for Muslims as they are based on truth and are distinct from other fables.
Battle of Badr
The Quraysh were jealous of the growing power of the Prophet (S.A.W). For this reason …
Battle of Uhad
Quraish prepared a well-equipped army of 3000 men under the leadership of Abu Sufyan …
Battle of Trench
In 4 A.H, the Holy Prophet S.A.W led a force of 1500 men with merchandise to the caravan …
Battle of Hunain
Huwazin and Thaqeef tribes were rivals of Quraish and had remained quiet during …
Prestige of Madinah
The Hudaibya pact, indeed, gave rise to the prestige of Madinah. Eventually, it began to be reckoned with as an equal power with Makkah in the eyes of the whole of Arabia. The Quraish’s persistent hostility had come to a stop. They formally accepted the sovereign status of Madinah, whereas the two states of Makkah and Madinah became equal in the eyes of Bedouin tribes. Many tribes subsequently became allies of Madinah.
Neutral Quraish
During this peaceful time, Muslims improved their military and economic positions. Muslims also assaulted and smoothly subdued the Jewish fortress of Khyber, which had become the hub of anti-Muslim schemes. Quraish were now impartial in the conflict between Jews and Muslims.
Opportunity of Dawaa
After this truce, there was no longer a state of war between Makkah and Madinah. The message of Islam spread more successfully when Makkans freely travelled to Madinah and interacted with the masses of tribes. They learnt the Islamic way of life from these tribes. This led to an increase in conversions to Islam and the expansion of the Muslim community. As an outcome, many notable persons converted to Islam, including Hazrat Hamza, Khalid bin Walid (R.A.), and Hazrat Amr bin -A’as (R.A.).
Spread of Islam Globally
The Truce of Hudaybiyyah was a turning point in Islamic history with long-lasting consequences. It facilitated the peaceful expansion of Islam globally. The accord established peace between the two republics and eliminated the threat of Khyber. It established a period of tranquillity, allowing the Muslim community to expand and solidify. Consequently, the Prophet (S.A.W.) sent companions with messages of Islam to Abyssinia, Bahrain, the Roman and Persian Empires, Oman, Damascus and Yamamah.
Disadvantageous Clause
The damaging clause of the pact caused much dismay among the Muslims, although later excluded on the demand of Makkans. It was made feasible due to the Prophet (S.A.W.)’s fulfilment of the promise to return the Makkah escapees; nonetheless, instead of returning to Makkah, these escapees settled on the coast and threatened the Makkan’s trade caravans. Hence, the Quraish leaders requested the state of Madinah to accept the escapees.
Suggest reasons for the disappointment of Muslims regarding this pact.
Muslims signed the Hadaibya agreement with the Quraish. Initially, Muslims could not perceive the long-term benefits of the treaty; therefore, they were upset by the Hudaibiya pact’s harsh provisions. They considered this treaty as an injustice, particularly the refugee extradition clause. According to the condition, if a refugee crosses to Madina from Makkah for shelter, he would be returned to Makkan, although the Quraish are immune from this requirement. It was an unfair and one-sided situation that exclusively benefited the Quraish.
Furthermore, disregarding the Prophet (S.A.W.)’s status, Quraish declined to acknowledge Muhammad (S.A.W.) as the Prophet of Allah; thus, they refused to write Tasmiya (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) on the treaty paper, instead wrote, “In the name, O God.” This refusal of the Prophet (S.A.W.) was one of the reasons for the displeasure of Muslims.
Moreover, Muslims journeyed to Makkah to perform Umrah rituals and visit the House of Allah. They wanted to enter Makkah peacefully. They were overjoyed and thrilled as their beloved city was in plain sight. However, when Quraish learnt that Muslims were approaching to visit Makkah for Umrah, they barred Muslims and the Prophet (S.A.W.) from visiting. Nonetheless, according to the pact, they were permitted to Makkah to perform Umrah the following year. In a nutshell, acceptance of the pact’s inconsistencies, Muslims felt disappointed and deemed a loss of reputation or dignity in their sight.
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