Muslims Triumphant Entry in Makkah
Eighth Year of Hijra
Write an account of Muslim’s triumphant entry in Makkah in 8 A.H. / Write an account of the main events of the conquest of Makkah.
Causes that Led to the Conquest of Makkah
The treaty of Hudaibya remained for two years. The Makkans were allied with Banu Bakr, whereas Madinah was allied with Banu Khuza. Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza were old enemies. After the battle of Mutah, Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuza.
It was a clear breach of the terms of the treaty of Hudaibya. The men of Banu Bakr did the violation of the sacred Kaaba. They killed several people of Banu Khuza who were in the Kaaba for protection. In return for this aggression, the chief of Banu Khuza with a party of forty men came to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madinah and requested the Prophet (S.A.W) for help. It was a bound duty for Muslims to take action, so the Prophet (S.A.W) demanded Quraish pay money to the victims’ families or break their alliance with Banu Bakr or dissolve the truce.
Choosing an Option
As the first two options meant a massive loss of prestige, the Quraish could not decide what to do. They did not show any eagerness for the first two options, though their tribe Banu Makhzum were keen to attack Madinah. The Muslims got their answer that the Quraish chose the third option. Quraish had already broken the treaty, and now Mohammad (S.A.W) had the right to take offensive action against Quraish. He (S.A.W) called all his allied tribes for help in the assault of Makkah. Quraish knew Muslim’s power had multiplied as compared to their strength in the battles they fought earlier. Therefore, they were not ready for a big clash.
Negotiation For Treaty
To convince the Prophet (S.A.W) for the continuation of the treaty, Abu Sufyan visited Madinah. At the moment, he was not given due regard by Muslims since he did not honour the pact he signed. He approached Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan, the Prophet (S.A.W), Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Ali, but all his efforts went in vain. They all declined to negotiate or help. Consequently, he returned to Makkah without any success. On the other hand, Prophet (S.A.W) was determined to take decisive action against the Quraish, so He began secret preparations to attack Makkah.
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Events of the Conquest of Makkah
On the 10th of Ramadan, 8 A.H./630 A.D, Muslims went out with 10,000 men under the leadership of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W). The army of Muhajirin and Ansar was accompanied by men from several allied tribes. The army blocked roads to Makkah and set camp some distance from it at Marr az Zahran. That night, soldiers were told to light up a fire that exaggerated the size of the Muslim army. A night before the invasion of Makkah, Abu Sufyan, perhaps on a spying mission, was captured and taken to the Prophet (S.A.W). At that point, he accepted Islam.
Preparations Before Conquest
The next day, the Muslims were divided into four columns. Each column was to take a separate section of Makkah, and each was commanded by Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W), Hazrat Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Hazrat Saad bin Ubadah and Hazrat Khalid bin Walid. Before entering Makkah, the Prophet (S.A.W) instructed his army not to use arms against anyone unless they met resistance or were attacked. Along with it, He (S.A.W) ordered them to avoid bloodshed and to refrain from harming the aged, women and children.
Entry in Makkah
The Muslims entered peacefully from all directions. Only the column of Khalid bin Walid had been showered by arrows, and he fought back. In this encounter, 13 Makkans were killed while 2 Muslims embraced martyrdom.
After the conquest of Makkah, Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) bowed his head before Allah and offered Him thanks. He (S.A.W) performed the Tawaf of the Kaaba and prayed inside the holy building. Furthermore, He purified Kaaba and broke all 360 idols that were placed there.

While breaking each statue. He recited:
“Say, the Truth had come and Falsehood has vanished. Surely, Falsehood is bound to vanish.” (17:81)
Treatment with Quraish
He (S.A.W) appeared to address the Quraish in the compound. He recited, “O mankind! We have created you from a single pair of a male and a female; the most honoured of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you.” (49:13) Al – Hujrat
Prophet (S.A.W) ordered Hazrat Bilal (R.A) to say Adhan for establishing peace among Muslims. Also, He gave the keys of the Kaaba to Uthman bin Talha and appointed him and his descendants as the caretaker of the Kaaba. Mohammad (S.A.W) delivered a sermon at Mount Safa, where He asked the Quraish whether they knew what punishment He was about to give to them. They replied, “You a noble brother and the son of a noble brother.” Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) stunned them by saying, “No blame on you be this day. Go, you are free.” The Quraish got impressed by his generosity and humbleness. As a result, almost all of the Quraish accepted Islam, including Hinda, Ikramah bin Abu Jahal and Sohail bin Amr.
A general amnesty was declared for all. Just four of the Quraish were put to death for their ridiculous behaviour with Prophet (S.A.W) and for torturing the Muslims. Mohammad (S.A.W) stayed for 20 days in Makkah to make arrangements for its administration. He (S.A.W) redefined the boundaries of the “Haram-i-Kaaba” by erecting pillars of stones. Simultaneously, most of the offices and privileges of the Quraish had been abolished.
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Write the importance of the conquest of Makkah.
Conquest of Hearts of Makkan Leaders
The conquest of Makkah was one of the most significant events in the history of Islam. It was not just the conquest of a city militarily, but then it was the conquest of the hearts of Makkan leaders and citizens too, who was deeply impressed by the kindness and magnanimity of the Prophet (S.A.W). In the end, His worst enemies also served as his most trusted allies for the expansion of Islam. Since Mohammad (S.A.W) had become successful in converting Quraish to Islam, most Arabs admitted that he was a true Prophet.
End of Polytheism in the Arabian Peninsula
Secondly, this victory was one of the magnificent steps toward unifying the whole of Arabia and outward expansion. The conversion of Quraish led to the end of polytheism in the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, the following year, i.e. 9 A.H, delegates came from all over Arabia to announce their conversion to Islam.
Opened the Gates of the Center of Islam
Accompanying Kaaba, Makkah was also cleared from idols. Moreover, it opened the gates of Makkah for all Muslims to come anytime, without any interruption or resistance.
What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophet (S.A.W)’s conduct in it?
Steadfastness and Determination
The exemplary conduct of the Prophet (S.A.W) gives several lessons for Muslim Ummah today. Mainly, Mohammad (S.A.W) was persistent in his intention to make Makkah a Muslim centre, which he eventually achieved by establishing and sustaining monotheistic faith there. It brings out the lesson of steadfastness and determination in the way of Allah.
Muslims today should remain firm and fearless while struggling for the cause of Allah and Islam. They should have a strong faith and hope that no matter what Allah will provide them with success. For instance, the Palestinians are struggling for a prolonged period. They should have to remain steady in their mission of throwing enemies out of their country.
Reverence to The Holy City
Before entering the city, he provided his enemies with every possibility to save their life and possessions; so that no harm or bloodshed took place in the holy city.
Mercy and Forgiveness
After entering and purifying Makkah, the Prophet (S.A.W) announced a general amnesty to all those who had disbelieved him and had been his bloodthirsty enemies. Such an act of kindness has never been recorded in the history of humanity.
Why are the actions of the Prophet after the conquest important for Muslims to learn from?
Today, Muslims have much to acquire from the conduct of the Prophet (S.A.W). Firstly, He demonstrated his expertise in the planning of the conquest of Makkah. His objective was to make his entry into Makkah peaceful, which he did by playing the trick of lighting torches at night.
Secondly, He forbade any violence during entering the city victoriously to prove that he was sent for mercy. Thus he testified to the Quranic declaration: “And we sent you not but as for mercy for all.” (21:107) Al-Anbiya
Lastly, he declared general forgiveness for all his enemies. The Quran admires such an attitude by saying: “but if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself.” (5:45) Al-Maida
Most important, He remained humble and sober throughout the event of his conquest and recited Quranic verses to show that all his efforts were to earn Allah’s favour, not for taking personal revenge.
Can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s treatment of his former enemies? Give reasons for your answer.
Today Muslims’ have much to learn from the Prophet (S.A.W) on his conquest of Makkah. He (S.A.W) forbade any violence while entering the city victoriously to prove that He was set for mercy. Thus, He testified to the Quranic declaration, “And we sent you not but as a mercy for all.” (21:107) Al-Anbiya
He set examples of mercy and forgiveness by declaring a general pardon for all who had been opposing him for the last 20 years. These included Abu Sufyan, his wife Hind, Wahshy bin Harb and Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, though he would have been right in acting justly.
In present times Muslims need to imitate the generosity of the Prophet (S.A.W). Their ultimate intention should be earning the pleasure of Allah instead of taking revenge after overpowering the enemy. Additionally, they should get the lesson of acting humbly and soberly in case of a victory over their rivals.
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