There are three kinds of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Conjunctions are connecting words. The most common conjunctions are and, but or, and nor. These are called coordinating conjunctions. They connect words that do the same kind of work.

Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs. Ex.
The work is only not profitable but also pleasant.
Do you know whether Sara is coming alone or with her parents?
Correlative Conjunctions Examples
either . . . or | not only . . . but (also) |
neither . . . nor | whether . . . or |
both . . . and |
Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions are used to begin subordinate clauses, usually adverb clauses. In the following sentences, subordinate clauses are bold-faced and subordinating conjunctions are underlined.
We stayed indoors until the storm abated.
You may stay where you are.
A subordinating conjunction need not come between the sentence parts that it joins. It may come at the beginning of the sentence. Ex.
Although speed is important, accuracy is more important.
When I take an examination, I become frightened.
List of Subordinating Conjunctions
after | before | provided |
although | how | since |
as | if | that |
as much as | in order that | unless |
because | though | until |
when | where | while |
Coordinating and Correlative Conjunction Exercises
A. Write each coordinating conjunction or correlative conjunction after its sentence number. Underline the correlative conjunctions.
- The Homestead Act of 1862 opened America’s plains and prairies to settlers. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Any adult could file a claim and receive 160 acres of public land free. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Homesteaders not only built houses but also planted crops. _______________________________________________________________________________
- They lived on the land for five or more years, and then the land became their own. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Most of the land had neither trees nor stones for buildings. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Settlers either brought wood from the East or built houses from sod. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Land on the prairies could be fertile or barren. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Some settlers suffered not only from droughts but also from swarms of grasshoppers. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Many homesteaders lasted the five years, but others gave up and moved on. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Both American citizens and immigrants were eagerly waiting for any abandoned homesteads. _______________________________________________________________________________
B. Write each coordinating and correlative conjunction. Then write and underline the words joined by the conjunctions.
- A small but beautiful deer approached me. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Neither you nor I have been invited to the party. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Lydia plays the piano accurately and expressively. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Either this or that should be satisfactory. _______________________________________________________________________________
- We swam and skated after school today. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Not only the boys but also the girls will sing. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Bears move swiftly but quietly in the forest. _______________________________________________________________________________
C. Supply a conjunction or a pair of conjunctions to complete each sentence.
- Horses ________ deer are Cindy’s favourite animals.
- Joel wants ________ a golden retriever ________ a cocker spaniel puppy.
- Carol befriends ________ the chipmunks ________ every raccoon in the neighbourhood.
- Our neighbours’ yard won an award for its elegant ________ economical landscape design.
D. Write each conjunction and label it coordinating or correlative. Then write the word or words that are joined by the conjunction.
- The music was neither loud nor soft. _______________________________________________________________________________
- Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced gracefully. _______________________________________________________________________________
- They moved precisely but elegantly on stage. _______________________________________________________________________________
- They were not only dancers but also actors. _______________________________________________________________________________