Write about the main events of the Battle of Hunain.
Causes of the Hunain Battle
Huwazin and Taqeef tribes were rivals of the Quraish. They had remained quiet during the Islam-Quraish wars. However, the peaceful fall of Makkah threatened their common interests. Since Hawazin were idolaters, as well as wealthy and powerful, the Prophet’s triumph against the Quraish challenged their pagan beliefs. After the surrender of the Quraish, they were in a hurry to devise a warlike plan to reverse the efforts of the Prophet (S.A.W.). Soon, they prepared an army of 20,000 men under the chief of Hawazin Malik bin Auf and marched towards the valley of Hunain. They encamped in the valley. In this war, they brought their women, children, livestock stocks and possessions to fight more courageously.
Prophet (S.A.W.) called his men for jihad upon receiving news of this progress. He (S.A.W.) prepared his army of 12,000 mens, including 10000 men from Madinah and 2000 new converts from Quraish. The army marched towards the valley under the leadership of Prophet (S.A.W.). Muslims were in great numbers this time and were overconfident. Abu Bakr said: “This time, we are more numerous than enemies. We shall not be defeated for the smallest of our numbers”.
Battlefield of Hunain

On the morning of the 10th of Shawwal, the Muslim army arrived in the Hunain area. Hawazin were well-prepared for the fight with Muslims; they chose a narrow pass to attack Muslims, which Muslims had to cross to go to the other side. Hawazin stationed his skilled archers on the hills on both sides of the narrow pass. As the Muslim army entered the pass, the archers shot arrows fiercely to unsettle Muslum’s army. At the same time, Hawazin’s main army was attacking from the front. Muslim soldiers were unaware of this surprise attack, so they retreated in confusion. Their retreat caused disorder in the Muslims’ rank. Many people were killed in the stampede, leaving only a few companions on the battlefield.
Despite the threatening situations, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) remained stuck at his post to fight with their small band of followers. He (S.A.W.) fought admirably with courage and tranquillity. Senior companions and relatives shielded the Prophet (S.A.W.) at the moment and did not abandon him.
Allah’s Assistance on the Battlefield
Taking advantage of the situation, Hawazin descended from their position and advanced to dash this small band of the Prophet (S.A.W.). Prophet (S.A.W.) directed his uncle Abbas to call out the fleeing Muslims. Abbas (R.A.) called out loudly; upon hearing his voice, Muslims turned towards the battlefield and assembled alongside Mohammad (S.A.W.) and fought a fierce war. In the meantime, He (S.A.W.) picked up a handful of dust and hurled it at the enemies’ faces, saying: “May your faces be shameful.”
The enemies’ eyes were clogged with dust, and they began to flee, abandoning their women, children and possessions. Thus, Hawazain and its allies were crushed, while Malik bin Auf and the surviving warriors of Banu Taqeef fled to Taif and sought shelter in the forts.
The Bravery of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
The hadith is about the bravery of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) on the day of the Battle of Hunain.
Muslims gained handsome spoils in this battle. They captured 24,000 camels, 40,000 sheep, 4000 pieces of silver and 6,000 prisoners. All booty was delivered to Jirana for subsequent distribution, and the Prophet (S.A.W.) led his army to lay siege to the Taif castles, where the enemy had taken refuge.
The Siege of Taif Fortresses
Taif was a well-fortified city with sufficient supplies; in contrast, the Muslims lacked weaponry. In addition, Banu Taqeef and Hawazain possessed skilful archers to defend forts. They bombarded the Muslims with spears and arrows whenever they attempted to approach the city, forcing them to stay away. Despite the siege lasting for a month, the enemy did not come out to fight the Muslims. At last, after discussing this issue with their companions, the Prophet (S.A.W.) decided to end the siege. The Prophet (S.A.W.) distributed the wealth captured from Banu Hawazain after his return from Taif.
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Division of the Spoils
A large share of the spoil was distributed to newly converted Muslims of Makkah. Some of the Medinite Ansars looked upon this as an act of partiality. Thus, there were whispers of dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, the Prophet (S.A.W.) assured them by stating, “O’ men of Ansar, why you disturb your hearts because of the things of this life? Would you not prefer that the other people return to their homes with the goats and camels, while you go back to your homes with me in your midst?” The Ansar sobbed when they heard the Prophet’s remarks and said that they wanted Muhammad (S.A.W.) only nothing else.
Deputation from Taif
Later a delegation arrived from Taif. They accepted Islam and requested the Prophet (S.A.W.) to restore their properties and captives. The Prophet (S.A.W.) required them to choose either families or properties. They preferred their families. Prophet (S.A.W.) freed them at once those in his share and suggested believers do the same. The believers also released their women and children.
Effects of the Battle of Hunain
This triumph eliminated the threat to Makkah from the south. In addition, victory over the Hawazin tribe solidified Islam’s supremacy and the Islamic Republic of Madina’s dominion over entire Arabia. Although the Prophet’s siege of Taif was unsuccessful, Hawazain was greatly impacted by his generous treatment, and in the ninth year of Hijra, this town also converted to Islam.
Indeed Allah has given you ˹believers˺ victory on many battlefields, even at the Battle of Ḥunain1 when you took pride in your great numbers, but they proved of no advantage to you. The earth, despite its vastness, seemed to close in on you, then you turned back in retreat. Then Allah sent down His reassurance upon His Messenger and the believers, and sent down forces you could not see, and punished those who disbelieved. Such was the reward of the disbelievers. (Surah Tauba 25-26)
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Explain the importance of the Battle of Hunain.
Suppression of the Southern Threat
Prophet (S.A.W.) conducted the battle of Hunain against the tribes of Hawazin and Taqeef. Hawazin and Taqeef tribes were among the most formidable opponents of Islam. Hawazain and Taqeef were a constant threat to the Prophet (S.A.W.), so the setback in the war was a blow to the tribe of Hawazain’s pride. The surrender of Hawazin and Taqeef, as a consequence of this battle, marked the elimination of the southern threat to Makkah.
Consolidation of Muslim Power
The battle of Hunain was led by the Prophet (S.A.W.) against the Hawazin and Taqeef tribes. The decisive victory of the war ended internal strife and played an influential role in integrating the Meccans into the Ummah. Madinah had now established its dominance over all of Arabia. Their defeat also deterred other nomadic tribes from opposing the Muslim state, resulting in many deputations of various tribes coming to offer allegiance to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and embracing Islam.
Spiritual Lesson for Muslims
Quran illustrates the importance of the Hunain occurrence in the Surah at Tawbah (9:25–27). As they experienced, the surprise ambush of the enemy caused many Muslims to flee, leaving only a small group of loyal companions alongside the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Yet despite the initial setback, the Muslims regrouped under the command of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and ultimately secured a decisive triumph. For Muslims, this event serves as a spiritual reminder that success is not based on numbers or material strength; instead, Muslims must have true faith in Allah and remain united and steadfast in the face of adversity.
Support of Allah for the Prophet (S.A.W.)
The Battle of Hunain was the last Arabian battle which proved the supremacy of Islam. Allah assisted the Prophet (S.A.W.) on the Day of Hunain through a few miracles. Allah sent a descendant of angels from heaven to fight against the kuffar, during the battle. It was the mercy of Allah upon the believers and punishment for the disbelievers. The Prophet (S.A.W.) flung a handful of dust on the enemy, which clogged their eyes, so they became confused and powerless, and it was one of the causes of their defeat.