Grade 1

A. Circle the action verb in each sentence below.

1. I like to read books.6. Sam hits the baseball over the fence.
2. The roof of the house leaks.7. Harold finds a purple crayon.
3. Gold examines his patient.8. John rode his bike to school.
4. Judy solves the mystery.9. My mom cooked dinner.
5. The dog chased the cat.10. Susie mowed the grass on Saturday.

B: Read the given words and make new rhyming words.

Pale_____________ _____________Zoom_____________ _____________
Block_____________ _____________Pool_____________ _____________
Tall_____________ _____________Free_____________ _____________
Cry_____________ _____________Class_____________ _____________

C. Underline the action verb in each sentence below.

1. Horses like to play. 6. Cow eats grass.
2. He sings a song. 7. Children played in the park.
3. We walk to school. 8. I washed my clothes.
4. The fish swims in the water. 9. John jumped in a puddle.
5. Ali rides a bicycle. 10. Ahmed wrote a story.

D. Read the given words and make new rhyming words.

Hoot_____________ _____________Week_____________ _____________
Need_____________ _____________Hoof_____________ _____________
Tool_____________ _____________Ring_____________ _____________
Bleep_____________ _____________Play_____________ _____________

E. Circle the action verbs in each sentence below.

1. He watched a movie.5. I played piano in the party.
2. The cat climbed on the tree.6. She brought Pizza for me.
3. The thief jumped over the fence.7. Duck swims in the water.
4. Doctor looks after sick people.

Reading Books For Kindergarten

F. Write a sentence with an action verb to describe each picture and then underline the action word:

eating - action verb






English Grammar Quiz

Grade 2

Action Verb – Exercise

G. Circle the word that matches the picture in each row.


H: Read the words and match what action is being done.

boy-sitting-on-a-chair- action verb
Cartoon boy walking to school

Feel free to drop any suggestions.