A. Circle the action verb in each sentence below.
1. I like to read books. | 6. Sam hits the baseball over the fence. |
2. The roof of the house leaks. | 7. Harold finds a purple crayon. |
3. Gold examines his patient. | 8. John rode his bike to school. |
4. Judy solves the mystery. | 9. My mom cooked dinner. |
5. The dog chased the cat. | 10. Susie mowed the grass on Saturday. |
B: Read the given words and make new rhyming words.
Pale | _____________ _____________ | Zoom | _____________ _____________ |
Block | _____________ _____________ | Pool | _____________ _____________ |
Tall | _____________ _____________ | Free | _____________ _____________ |
Cry | _____________ _____________ | Class | _____________ _____________ |
C. Underline the action verb in each sentence below.
1. Horses like to play. | 6. Cow eats grass. |
2. He sings a song. | 7. Children played in the park. |
3. We walk to school. | 8. I washed my clothes. |
4. The fish swims in the water. | 9. John jumped in a puddle. |
5. Ali rides a bicycle. | 10. Ahmed wrote a story. |
D. Read the given words and make new rhyming words.
Hoot | _____________ _____________ | Week | _____________ _____________ |
Need | _____________ _____________ | Hoof | _____________ _____________ |
Tool | _____________ _____________ | Ring | _____________ _____________ |
Bleep | _____________ _____________ | Play | _____________ _____________ |
E. Circle the action verbs in each sentence below.
1. He watched a movie. | 5. I played piano in the party. |
2. The cat climbed on the tree. | 6. She brought Pizza for me. |
3. The thief jumped over the fence. | 7. Duck swims in the water. |
4. Doctor looks after sick people. |
Reading Books For Kindergarten
F. Write a sentence with an action verb to describe each picture and then underline the action word:




Action Verb – Exercise
G. Circle the word that matches the picture in each row.

crow | throw |

call | fall |
H: Read the words and match what action is being done.

standing | sitting |

eating | drinking |

talking | walking |

running | brushing |
Test Preparation Material for Grade 1
English Test Paper – Creative Writing
Science Test Paper
Science Paper PDF